
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Violent Upheavals Coming to Believers

Not long ago, I was praying about the intense feeling I have experienced since New Year's 2011 that a devastating earthquake is going to happen soon in America. Instead of talking to me about the coming earthquake I was feeling, the Lord showed me a vision of earthquakes in the lives of believers. I didn't understand the meaning of the vision and prayed that He would reveal what it meant.

Last night as I was praying again, He showed me more. Last night, I saw violent upheavals that will soon be coming into the lives of believers. The shaking will be both sudden and unexpected.

He is trying to get you somewhere and what doesn't make it through the shaking are things and people that needed to be removed for His plan for your life to move forward. I saw a violent shaking that caused everything to fly into chaos, and when the pieces landed, not all of them were there, but the ones that were were in perfect position and the Lord smiled upon this.

This shaking will be coming to the strongest believers, not the baby Christians. The Lord said He is going to be shaking some of you soon and that He has a purpose in it and that He wants you to remain calm when it happens, and trust Him.

The Lord is saying "Lean on Me and learn to have My peace in your spirit in the midst of chaos for soon you will need this."

"Do not fear."


  1. Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

    This shakng Glenda is talking about can come to you in the form of great sadness as your family could be shattered as the divsion causes each to go separate ways.

    Those who are true followers of Christ understand the riddle of "Christian hate."

  2. I didn't consider that, Chief, but I think you are correct. Thank you for posting this!

  3. Hi Glenda. I've watched some of your youtube videos and heard you mention this blogspot. The Lord gave me a word earlier this month that sounds somewhat similar. Please check it out when you have a chance ( Thanks so much and God bless you for your faithfulness to our heavenly Father!


  4. I just read about an article that said a mega-quake should soon hit America and Russia of all places was trying to warn and tell America but you don't see this on the news here, Russia said it should hit within 14 days and they posted it on March 13th. During the summer I turned my back on God, until I had a violent dream. I didn't understand God and that is why I turned from him, long story short since I turned back about five months ago I've been studying like mad and getting closer to God. Before I realized what was going on in the world. I believe he is going to come back soon and he is urging all who call themselves Christians be Christians, to be firm in their beliefs and in their actions, to truly depend on him with their whole being because we are going to be tested more then we ever have been before. Just my thoughts :-)

  5. Natasha, I am so happy that you turned back to God. That is a wonderful thing to do. We are living in extremely serious times. Trouble will be more intense just before Christ comes back to earth to take His people home. The things happening all around the world attest to that fact. Things will get much scarier as time progresses. Time is so short now. People are lulled into a deep sleep now. Their TV and sports are the only thing important to them. Dear God, help us to awake out of our deep slumber.
    God bless you, Sister Natasha. Keep your eyes upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Remember He is coming very very soon!

  6. This is my life right now! I am living this! It's a little scary, but I trust my Lord.

    I was kicked out of my living situation by a "believer". Four days before I was kicked out on the street, another Christian family prepared a place for me to live--before I was unexpectedly without a roof over my head. I still do not make enough to live on my own, and I don't know where He is taking me.

    To those families and individuals the Lord is using to position His people--the Lord bless you a double portion! Your provision and kindness will not go unnoticed! And your faith has helped those of us being positioned (for what reason, I do not know). Lean NOT on your own understanding. These are the words the Lord continually has me ponder. If you knew, then it would not be faith!

    And I don't know much, but what I do know is this:

    I love my Lord! I know my Lord loves me--for reasons I cannot fathom. I know He is placing me somewhere. Exactly where HE wants me to be and nowhere else! His way. Only His way. I praise Him for His provision and His guidance. I beg for His forgiveness because in my eagerness to serve Him, I have tried to order the Lord to tell me where I am going. He is in control. I repent, Lord, I repent. I am so utterly unworthy of all of this. I have done so much less than I could have. I wish I had MORE I could give Him. But as such, Lord Jesus comfort us confused ones You are moving because down here--it's a very wild, at times scary ride.

  7. Wow Glynda I can testify to this!! I just read this post today April 8th but eleven days after you posted this, which was March 28th, I got hit with a storm (or an earthquake?) ;) God is sooo gloriously good! In the beginning it was rough as I was unsure if I was the cause of my own problems but our Father began to reveal that this situation really was out of my hands and that it required my complete trust in Him.
    As of today its still on going. Long story short, a bug infestation in my apartment and the management offices failure to handle the situation has resulted in an impromptu move from the unit and possible legal action from my parents against the establishment.
    All this while im in school and I'm now having to commute to school! Crazy right? But we are to have joy in tribulation! and tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope in the Lord Jesus!!!

    Reading this prophecy really blessed me though.

  8. Ernie, I'm so glad the word the Lord gave me blessed you and to know you are coming through the storm! Hang in there!!

  9. Sister Glynda,
    This shaking indeed is coming to the believers. I have experienced this phenomena a couple of times.

    This is what I was to understand of this shaking.
    He who has the keys to death, hell and the grave, will open the abyss of the heart where we tend to hide things and make our own walls and fortresses for protection.
    When the abyss of the heart is opened then that which is not of Him has to flee as He comes in to possess the whole heart, thereby the house is no longer divided so can not fall.
    In this time for me I was in a tribulation and this is what He called it when He opened my eyes to see.
    The shaking was so abrupt that I was literally staggering, because it felt like the floor was moving underneath my feet.

  10. Tina - Wow, that is a really powerful insight - thank you for sharing that with us!

  11. Sister Tina--
    What you wrote is exactly what has happened for me! Old grudges and things I did not even know were in my heart the Lord has brought them to the light of day--and much to my dismay those closest to me are talking about these unrighteous and buried things that were in my heart. Desires that ruled me and fears that held me back all my life--these all came to the forefront at once. It was quite staggering!

    But the Lord is finally fully in charge. Each day His provision grows stronger and His voice is clearer and clearer. It's been amazing as much as it has been staggering. Praise the Lord!

  12. Dear Patriot,
    I praise God for your being set free!! Isn't our Father good!!
