
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cry Out to Me

I  was in my usual morning time of prayer and worship when the Lord began to speak to me.

Truly I tell you times in the earth have increased in sorrow and more is coming soon. For the people of the earth will know I am a mighty God of judgment at the end of times.

Cry out - cry out to Me for your children and your loved ones while there is yet time! Cry out for your nations that I may touch them and bring repentance! Cry out for your own souls - pray that you will be counted worthy to escape all that is coming in the earth for the horror of it shall indeed be great.

Many will die of starvation, and in countries where hunger is rare. Many shall die in plagues. Many shall die in vain trying to save earthly possessions. Many shall die fighting.

(In my spirit I was shown a strange sight - many thousands of people and most of them had blinders on, like the blinders horses wear. They were looking straight ahead of where they were walking, smiling, expecting conditions in the world to improve and refusing to hear any warnings. I saw the enemy coming up behind first this one, then that one, to ambush them. They never saw him coming, they were just walking through their lives, waiting for everything to improve.)


  1. You have been so right on, Glynda! Just look at how the earthquakes are now coming one after another. Hurricane Irene is predicted to be one of the worst in decades.

    I have to admit that I'm scared, but also kind of excited. I've been looking forward to going home.

  2. That is exactly what is happening. Even when people agree it's coming, they think just that! It's coming.

    No it's here.

  3. I felt that I received a word from the Lord a while back that we would feel the ground shake here in Pennsylvania some time in the near future.. Well it has happened, this was before I knew anything about fault lines running through Pa. The oldest daughter said the tables and chairs shook. This is only the beginning of what's to come.. Washington DC. hasn't seen any thing yet. That's the only word I received from the Lord concerning Earth quakes, and as far as it goes for the Madrid fault line It is obvious it will also go here in the near future, or maybe it will happen else where.. When the God's anger kindles man can not pick or chose where the ground will give way, it just happens. Now a days you don't dare say it was God's wrath, or the world will come undone because of your statement. What's funny is, where I was at I felt nothing, but only 6 miles from where I was at people were feeling the ground shake

  4. I truly believe we are seeing a test come upon the people of the world. God is giving people a little bit of advanced warning to test them to see if they will "cry out to him" first. Here in America, we are seeing earthquakes where there have not been earthquakes, for a long,long time. A major hurricane is about to hit highly populated areas along the east coast. I wonder what is in store for September. Our leaders have the minds of little children. My KJV warns of this. I sure would hate to be counting on an escape hatch. The only sure way to prepare is by crying out to God for forgiveness,and protection. Not even a little sparrow falls, that our Father doesn't know about.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for this word Glynda. I really believe it. Its like people are just lolled into false security! I know I have lots to work on myself!

  7. Wow! What you saw... the enemy ambushing people from behind... that is confirmation to something the Lord spoke to me a couple weeks ago. He told me the enemy's soldiers are marching. (now) They come quick. They advance and strike in the night, in the darkness, where no Light exists. He also said no one will see or be witness.

    I felt in my spirit that people won't even see it coming because they are too busy with their lives. So when you talked about the blinders... I don't even know what to say, but thank YOU LORD that what You gave to Glynda lines up with what You spoke to me!

    And honestly, I needed this confirmation!! I wondered if what I heard was right.

  8. Every time I read your posts, it is always confirmation of what the Lord is putting on my heart to pray! Last night when I went to bed, my spirit was very restless. God started flooding my mind with my friends and loved ones that don't know Him and I just poured out my heart for their souls. I asked Jesus to camp out in their living rooms, to push back all the lying spirits from their homes and to draw them to Himself. I've been praying for legions of angels to be assigned to all believers and those that will come to Him. That the enemy will be in shock as to what is going on and wonder why SO MANY NEW angels are on the earth protecting the Lords's own suddenly! So reading your post this morning once again confirmed what He was telling me. Thank you for obeying Him and posting what He places on your heart! This is a time for certain, that we all need to stay closer to Jesus than ever!! Peace and blessings to you all!

  9. Thanks Glynda! Your timely Words from the Lord have truly awaken me from the stupor I was in and I feel it is so vitally important to be very sober minded these days! Richard Grund from Solomon's Porch said the Lord had told him the shaking was beginning with the earthquakes in Virginia and Colorado. Stan & Holly Deyo have suspended all updates for the next two weeks because of the uncertainty of the times.

  10. All of us have sinned and we deserve the punishment of God. We are even fortunate the Almighty God has forewarned us. Though what is coming is terrible, this message clearly shows that He doesnt want His children to perish. We need to heed His advice and cry unto Him and we will go through the hard times safely. Thank you Father.

  11. Good word. I had hardened my heart to the Lord through years of living as a "carnal" Christian. The consequence of this has been a agony of desiring to draw close to the Lord knowing that my heart had been hardened. By God's grace, my heart is being changed but it has been a difficult battle. If we would teach the true gospel of holiness, repentance and relationship with the Lord maybe many would be saved from this same battle. I pray daily for a pure heart that cries out for the lost and for repentance. I pray for the Lord to prepare me for what lies ahead and most of all for a close relationship with Him so I can clearly hear his voice and be in that strong tower.

    Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.

    I would greatly appreciate any prayer and agreement for that heart of flesh and closeness to the Lord! Thanks and Lord bless you all!

  12. I continue to do my best to cry to God for a pure heart and mind and draw me closer to Him even more....there are some days that I feel like I fall so short of it. =/

    @ Michael...I so understand where you're coming from and will lift you up in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you again, Glynda, for your continued faithfulness and courage to share these words from God.

  13. Gloria
    I also agree with what the Lord showed you, He has spoken to my heart a few days ago to go to my family and tell them the time is short, to get right with Him for our time is short! All my children believe in Him but don't go to churh anymore, my heart is heavy because I know what's coming and I pray they will all be saved. Yes we must repent and pray for angels to come and watch over us and those we love, even those we don't. It's time to show them the love of Christ and the way to the truth! thank you for giving me the oportunity here to speak! Bless you.

  14. Słowa biblii wypełnić się muszą ponieważ pochodzą od Boga.Wszystko się dzieje na naszych oczach.
    więc módlmy się i uwierzmy w cód ocalenia przez Jezusa Chrystusa Pana naszego.
