Thursday, October 27, 2011

Transcription of the Video Titled What the Lord Told Me is Coming in 2012 and What I've Been Up to Lately

For those who are not able to view videos on slower connections and emailed me, here is a quick and probably imperfect transcription of the video titled What the Lord Told Me About What's Coming in 2012 and Where I've Been Lately.

I made this video to talk about many emails I had received and am terribly behind on answering because the Lord has me writing a book that He has stated must be finished by the end of 2011, or He said He will give it to someone else to write. The three days just before I made the video, He spoke to me every single day and gave me further details on how He wants it written. I actually began writing this book early in 2010 after He sent me several words through others to begin, but I was traveling and had family emergencies and didn't get much done. As a consequence, now I am writing every spare moment trying to finish it by the deadline.

The Lord said that What is coming in the world is far worse than people think it is. He said that is why our preparation has been so painful. He said that the tougher the battle, the more intense the training the soldier has to go through. He said that is why we have had to go through so much, and that we would need every ounce of this preparation.

One of the things that is really on my heart to share with you is this: Don't abandon the whole journey because parts of it are down long, dark and bumpy roads.

I have been through the wilderness experience numerous times and I've learned things along the way in every one of those walks. I am hoping by sharing these things that it will help you in your walk. So many people are suffering now and have lost homes and jobs and had to move in with relatives or move back home with their parents and He told me there's another wave coming in the recession that hasn't hit yet, that apparently is going to be a lot worse. He told me earlier this year that some of those who have gone back to work will lose their jobs again. So that's going to be pretty tough. The recession has been hard on everybody. I'm just like everyone else, I live paycheck to paycheck, I pay rent every month and I have a vehicle payment I have to make. I almost became homeless last year and I can honestly say I have never been more terrified in my life and in January of this year He told me He is going to take me out of my job again and I was completely by that as well. You would think after so many trips through the wildernes, I wouldn't be afraid, but that's not the case. Last year, I just had a meltdown and my faith ran out so I begged Him for a job, but I haven't had the usual amount of favor on any of my jobs in the last year.

I will be writing about all of this stuff in the book. I'll be writing about all the crazy things I went through in these walks and how I struggled to believe Him and how He provided for me. I'm going to talk about how people come against you when the wilderness walk you're on is one where God told you to step out in faith and you obeyed. I have been on those kinds of walks more than once. There are certain things that happen every time He tells you to step out in faith and you obey.

When I was walking through those valleys, I did not have any books about it to guide me and I desperately wished for one.

Because here's the thing. When the Lord tells you to step out, He gives you the faith to do what He's speaking to you. But only to you. So all those people around you didn't get the measure of faith to do the thing He is telling you to do. And as we've all heard, faith is stepping out on something and finding something there. Well, the people around you just see the nothing you're about to step out on and they're terrified for you. It just looks crazy to them. You know because He's given you the faith for it that you're going to find something there when you step out in obedience, but they don't. 

There are other times when you wake up one morning and everything in your life starts falling apart and you have no idea why. Suddenly nothing is going right and you don't know what happened. I'm going to be writing about that kind of walk as well.

The Lord also said Many strong events are planned for this next year and many people will suffer distress. Many people will contemplate taking their own lives in what is coming.
So apparently it's going to get pretty rocky in 2012. Right now (as I posted the video) it is the third week of October, so we're not far from 2012. He said the book will help give them the courage to go on, and not to take their lives. The Lord said This book will increase people's courage and confidence to walk through these things.

The Lord named the book, it is going to be called The Wilderness Companion. I will post something on the Wings of Prophecy site, and something on my YouTube channel when the book is released and I'll mention it on my Blog Talk Radio show as well.

I am also praying about writing The Wilderness Companion Devotional. When you are walking out something really hard, you need encouragement every single day. You fight hour by hour to keep your faith up to believe for provision and to believe that what you're going through is not going to last forever. I think the devotional would be very helpful to people walking through really difficult times.

I would like to complete The Wilderness Companion in time for Christmas, but I don't know if that will happen. I have taken every other possible thing off my schedule, I'm even getting up early and writing before work.

I want very much to be able to help people in this way because it is so hard when you're walking through the desert like that. You look around and you don't know how He's going to provide, but then He does. If you know what to expect when you're in these walks, it helps tremendously and then you're not blind-sided. I was blind-sided so many times by the enemy, the things he would do and the ways he would attack me when I was trying to get through the desert and I would like very much to share what I went through with other people.

This book is apparently very important to the Lord because He keeps talking to me about it. Regarding 2012, I also feel in my spirit the Lord is going to give us words about 2012 (between now and the first of the year). I usually try to release those on my Blog Talk Radio show and then post them on Wings of Prophecy as quickly as I can get them typed up. 

If you want to be notified when The Wilderness Companion is released, subscribe to the Wings of Prophecy email list. I will announce the release date to all who are subscribed, as well as send out a link where you can order the book.

Link to the video this transcription was taken from: