
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hand of Death

I was reading quietly in the wee hours of the morning when I saw a flash vision. It was of a Medical Examiner, I believe in the far Northeast of America, examining the first of a trio of bodies. I believe the bodies were of a woman in her thirties, a young girl of about twelve, and another girl, maybe eleven.

The bodies were covered with small clusters of blisters. They had died of some terrible disease, that I felt in my spirit was caused by some type of terrorist attack of a biological nature. I feel the attack happened without anyone seeing it, and by the time the disease begins killing people, it will already have spread horribly. Thousands will die. There is no cure for this horrible disease, whatever it is. I thought of smallpox, but I have no confirmation from the Holy Spirit if that was it or this disease was something new that had been created to kill.

As I write this, I hear in my spirit the words "Hand of Death." I don't know if that is a nickname for it, or what.

Please pray, Saints. We know the darkness and horrors and glory will all be here at the same time. The horrors will turn many towards Jesus. Our Lord is gracious and merciful. He saved us, and He wants to save the others, too.

I ask that you would post comments here to this word (click on the word Comment(s), below) in lieu of emailing me any comments you have, due to the situation in my family right now.

Thank you.  God bless you all. I will post anything else He shows me about this awful attack.

Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.


  1. thank you for sharing this vision sister.. I live in the North East, and would not be surprised., as there are no doubt sleeper cells of terrorists itching to do something like this at any time. All it takes is God to lift His hand of protection, which is the only reason we have been spared thus far.
    I knew in 2012, when the Lord called me to start "waking up", that there was little time left for me to respond. I wondered if that meant my life would not be for long here. Maybe that's how many of us are going to go.. through biological warfare attack. Whatever the case, it's all in God's hands and may we live not one day longer or one day less than what HE ordains for each of us.
    Praying for you and your family at this time , sister..

  2. Glenda, In the last couple of days I have read about "the belief that Russia's 'dead hand' system is active and ready to be used against the northern hemisphere"...I thought of this when you said you heard in your Spirit "hand of death"...
    I appreciate your website. God bless you my sister.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Matthew 24 :7 , Luke 42 :11 , we know theese things are coming , the four horseman of the apocalypse are near , there of course symbolic , but it's ALL PLANNED AND STAGED , the pope in September will sign an agreement inseptember ( last blood moon ) to help usher in the new world order , all they have to do is create the chaos , war , financial collapse , PESTILENCE , famine , behind it all is the perpetrator ( funder ) , yes , terrorist may be behind it , but who is funding them ? It's all sadly just part of the planed chaos from the elite , this will NOT be the only disease they have manufactured to bring about THIER agenda , they create the chaos , the people ask for a solution , and the very ones who created the problem in the first place will bring about the solution , it's all just a porn chess move in thier game to bring about thier new word order and to bring in the man to bring peace to the earth , and I hope we all know who that is , the anti Christ will rise to power thru much ( created ) chaos , although he will be against christ , that's NOT how he will appear , he will appear AS CHRIST , it's only the elect that will not be Decieved by this , pestilence is coming , along with the other horseman of the apocalypse , it's just more conformation of how great our God is in the reality of prophecy , and how the bible is the breathed word of our living God , who was made flesh in Jesus Christ !

  5. Sending my prayers and thoughts to you and your family. God bless!

  6. Habakkuk 3:5 NKJV

    Before Him went pestilence, And fever followed at His feet.

  7. I thought of mustard gas. It has been used in previous wars and causes small pus filled blisters. If it is true I pray and plead the Blood of Yeshua against this potential attack.

  8. i have always believed that chemtrails are the biological warfares that people are dealing with as far as sickness and disease is concerned because the government is constantly spraying this stuff over the air..most don't know about them and are asleep about it so while people are asleep they are spraying all these diseases and who knows what else in the air and people are suspect to unknown sicknesses..remember when the Lord told you to pray over your food,water,everything because the devil is working hard to bring poisons in everything..well that was a confirmation for me because i already knew enough about food and water and such but now i pray over the poisons of the air for me,family and i pray for the world because its being done everywhere all day...i have heard that when they spray people catch unknown diseases and then have to go to the hospital and don't know where it comes from and some get really sick and some die..I don't say this to frighten anyone but for all Christians to pray for all people because the devil is out to steal,kill and destroy and its all apart of his plan to globalize the world to bring in the anti christ and new world order and send innocent souls to hell without being saved and to harm those who are saved who don't know any better and how to defend pray for everything and cover yourselves Christians leave nothing uncovered

  9. sister..I think you are right on..a week ago I woke up to a vision..I saw my cell phone with the text coming in that read DEADLY ANTI VIRUS...this could be connected to your vision...I know they called ebola an antivirus...I saw it as two words...but something is coming...deadly...and I have been praying for protection upon myself and loved ones..

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This manmade incurable disease has been prophesied by others to hit mainly in the northeast. Some say it comes from a war with China, but it could be a Muslim terrorist attack using germs from China or Russia.

  12. My advice is get very close to God (spend time with Him, know the Word). Psalm 91 is your promise of protection at times like this. You cannot protect yourself from what is coming.

  13. It sounds to me like a mutated form of the black death or better known as the bubonic plague. It maybe she only saw women because it hits the poor first. just like it did in Europe. It sounds a bit scary but we will rise to the occasion as children of God. This country doesn't seem to want to repent and turn from its sins. I pray and pray but I think God is going to send a great shaking to save the lost.

  14. As has already been mentioned, PSALM 91, provides us the prayer pattern for protection from God. Stating the obvious when i remind everyone to put on the full armor of God before your feet hit the floor in the morning. Also, Exo 12:13. You can prayerfully paint the blood of Jesus around your loved ones, home, neighborhood, etc. We live in a storm prone area and had been hit several times before but after learning to pray this prayer storms have ceased to bother us. Thank you, Glenda, for sharing this vision. Praying for you and your family! God bless you all!

  15. Glynda, the Lord has been impressing upon me that I've got to get healthier, because biological warfare is coming. He's been telling me for the past couple of years that great plagues were coming on the earth, and one thing in particular I need to avoid is sugar, because it really lowers your immune system. That's been an addiction in my life, and I've been realizing that some of the attacks God has allowed from the enemy in my life were when I had eaten too much sugar. A pathologist even told me that you can see it paralyze the white blood cells under a microscope when you introduce sugar into the bloodstream. Although it may sound silly to some, I've been profoundly impressed to build up my immune system for what's coming. Thanks for sharing, and God bless you and your husband!

  16. Hi Glynda- First, I want to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. After reading the post, I started thinking about the Passover which starts April 2nd. Specifically, the Holy Spirit lead me to the plagues in Egypt with focus on the last two. They are darkness and the plague of the death of the firstborn . I'm not sure what the message is, but perhaps the Lord is preparing the remnant for the coming chaos which is very close.

  17. I make a blog time ago. In this blog I think you´ll find information about you are looking for. The blog contains messages from 4 diferents persons including your own messages. This is the general link: ...but you must go inside the blog, exactly in last part of the next link and try to translate: . Best regards. Sorry about my English. Marcial Franco.

  18. Sue M. - Thank you. She actually IS my firstborn! Food for thought!!

  19. My heart is with you. I have 2 daughters , ages 29 and 26. The youngest has had some challenges and is not as close to the Lord as when she was younger. We need to pray for all of our kids, young and old . The enemy is truly on a rampage to steal, kill and destroy. May God's peace be with you!

  20. I opened my Bible to find the story of Jesus sticking his fingers in a deaf man's ears and then touching his tongue to enable him to speak. Thank you for listening and then having the courage to speak.
    Father God,
    Thank You for all the warnings You give us and help us prepare in appropriate ways for the future. May we be careful to obey Your commands, seek to serve others and walk in the joy that no man can take away. In Jesus' name. Amen.


  21. behind it all will be the evil elite , there are 33 degrees in freemasonary , this number itself is mocking jesus's death , but at the 30th degree its revealed to them that the light they are seeking through the degrees is the light of lucifer not the God of the bible , it's THEESE evil elite that will be behind it , they are behind everything , the reason why I'm saying this , is as dangerous as the diseases will be , be very very careful before you accept ANY VACINE ! do not underestimate thier satanic agenda , we walk by faith not sight , I'm not too sure about this yet , but it would not surprise me if the chemtrails and the vaccines that WILL be provided will have a deeper satanic agenda behind it , it may sound a bit " out there " , however the chemtrails have some sort of agenda to play , this stuff IS BEING SPRAYED , that's recorded fact , so what will be in the vaccines ??? ,

  22. A few days ago I feel that God lead me to read Chronicles I.
    After reading the latest 2 messages and meditating on this I wanted to share something.

    David was offered 3 choices as a consequence for taking the census.

    1: 3 years of famine
    2: 3 months at the hand of his enemies
    3: Or 3 days at the sword of the Lord.

    Spiritually for Christians famine is a spiritual dryness or bitterness toward God for the consequences of our sins.

    2: Defeat at the hand of the enemy can be seen as choosing to remain captive to the sin and suffering.

    or 3: The sword of the Lord: Consequence with the hope in God’s mercy. David shows that he has once again placed his hope in the Lord.

    And indeed we see that part way through God relents at the fullness of what he had planned to do and stays the hand of the angel as it came to Jerusalem.

    I have found this to be true in my own life. When in a situation of dealing with a consequence it is best to submit to the Lord, try to learn what he wants to teach through the situation, and trust in his goodness.

    And in regard to the hand of death sickness that Glynda saw we take it as a call to prayer.

  23. the first thing that came to mind was the Balm of Gilliad in Jeremiah 8: 1-22.

  24. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed." - Mark 16:18

  25. I had a dream about 3 monthppl ago about many people with bites weaps on their bodies,they were laying down every where,like dead,then I heard the voice say Snake Bitten

  26. After reading your post yesterday, I had a dream last night about a family who lived on a farm. The mother had just given birth and right after she said to her husband, "Thank God she is healthy. Her birth will help heal the scars from the death of our four sons." Then I saw the little girl not much older and she came to her mother and said that she didn't feel well. I heard the Holy Spirit say, "She will die, too." The sadness hovering over this family was palpable. My prayers go out to you and yours. Thank you for all you do!
    Kate Francomacaro

    Sis Linkous,

    I want to say your daughter is in my prayers. This is definitely not an easy thing to deal. I am praying for strenghten be upon your daughter and that all your household remain covered in the blood of Yahshua

    NEXT: I think the Lord may have given some insight about this vision. Nuclear War is very near:


    Cutaneous radiation syndrome (CRS) refers to the skin symptoms of radiation exposure.[5] Within a few hours after irradiation, a transient and inconsistent redness (associated with itching) can occur. Then, a latent phase may occur and last from a few days up to several weeks, when intense reddening, blistering, and ulceration of the irradiated site are visible. In most cases, healing occurs by regenerative means; however, very large skin doses can cause permanent hair loss, damaged sebaceous and sweat glands, atrophy, fibrosis (mostly Keloids), decreased or increased skin pigmentation, and ulceration or necrosis of the exposed tissue.

  29. That is what I have been thinking. Radiation blisters. Saw a documentary on the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The pictures showed people with these type of lesions.

  30. Luke 13:1-5, There were some present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, "Do you suppose that these Galilaeans were sinners above all Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, No: but, except that you repent, you shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them, do you think that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No: but, except that you repent, you shall all likewise perish."

  31. World war 3 Is def looming , it WILL NOT be an accident , this is the entrance ramp for the anti Christ ! stay in prayer , in theese times a head , it's about sticking to God like glue ! I posted a sermon to watch a while ago , I suggest to anyone to watch it , great sermon by a pastoe called charles Lawson called war and hell is coming , so few pastors are warning people , in England I harldy know of any pastors warning the congregation that we are right in the end times , God wants us prepared and in prayer under the protection of his Holy Spirit , good news is , if you have jesus , you have eternal life , he who has the son has life ! Praise the lamb of god !

  32. Dear Glynda, there is a research being done for a long time - last two-three deacades particularly - about what's going on. Check on youtube at least on few: chemtrails, HAARP machine, vaccines .... ; names like Dr. (physicist) Barrie Trower, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Gary Null, Dr. Susanne Humphries (www.vaccineliberationarmy;, (please check Archives of all these sites!); and many others. There are things taking place here in USA (and through and b y US government) people have no idea about. Viruses are already spread throughout the land (but many of them are kept in a dormant state, until decided to activate them). In terms of this truth coming up from God through Messegers, check John Leary, Ned Dougherty, etc., but real research, witnesses, whistle-blowers etc., are giving concrete "discoveries". Love and God's Blessing from Krystyna and Steven

  33. Spot on guys , as a christian I often get accused of being a conspiracy theorist , I am a Christian thru and thru , I adore christ , I mean this in the nicest possible way , I do , but the trouble is , and I'm not talking about anyone on this site ,but the trouble I find is that everyone wants to talk about what went on in the Old Testament , and rightly so , was nimrod and the towel of Babel a conspiracy ?? Yes it was , but it seems we are ignoring today's events and there are plenty more in the old and new testaments , but we are experiencing the same NOW ! Exactly the same satanic schemes from the enemy , but now he has advanced technology to bring on his evil agenda ,the book of revelation is unfolding NOW ! And as the enemy of our souls used resources back then , he is doing so now , I love the bible , it's the word of God , but so is today , the book of revelation is unfolding today , satan will come to power using lying great signs and wonders etc etc , we know the bible verses , haarp , chemtails etc etc are all true , and so is project blue beam , THEESE are all laying the foundations of this coming great deception , very few pastors are prepared to talk about it , the enemy is doing a good job of keeping our churches in the dark on this , I have no problem talking about it , even As a Christian , the enemy all thru out history has used people and technology to help bring about his agenda , and he's doind the same now , yet very few are aware , the enemy relies on our reluctance to expose his schemes !

  34. I've only ever had one vision and I keep it to myself , it was 3 years ago , I was in Cyprus , it was about how the enemy intends to decieve the whole world ( even if possible the elect ) , the remnant christian will not be decieved , but the unbelieving and HALF HEARTED FOLLOWERS will be , I can see the global pre programming they are pumping out there in films and tv series , and so so many will accept this coming delusion because they did not love the truth !

    1. Would love to talk sometime, I agree with your post and have researched much of what you talk about. Let me know if your interested, if not I understand.

  35. For me the bottom line is that the "remnant" needs to stay prayed up everyday, repent daily, and ask for "fresh manna" everyday from the LORD. Unfortunately, most people around me are not "woken up." This is why the Tribulation will happen to wake the masses up. But the remnant is already woken up, and we need to be patient, praying, and keep our hearts soft unto the LORD. And keep on fire for God, even though most people around us have let their spiritual fire go to an ember . . .

  36. Amen brothers and sisters , as I said earlier , I've only had one vision , and many many years ago I heared from the Lord as glynda does to this day , he has built up his own end time army , sealed by his Holy Spirit , I have a friend of mine who has had a series of visions from the Lord , I HUGELY suggest you purchase the books about them , the first is called trumpet blast warning and the sequel is called beyond earthly realms , both by Jason Carter , honestly guys , theese are the 2 best end time books I've read , the second one , beyond earthly realms , is a description of the visions God gave Jason about the end times , he's a genuine christian , and no , I'm not his punishing agent LOL , they are a must read , I've been trying to warn people for the last 3 years of this stuff , but it's difficult when it's in your head and not on paper , but truly God has used Jason's talents as an author , and he has put pen to paper , trumpet blast warning describes what's going on the the physical realm , and beyond earthly realms give us the spiritual insight of the principalities behind it all , I've lost count on all the spiritual books I've read , glynda's is a fabulous read that I purchased last year about this blog and her calling , and Jasons 2 books are just as prolific , God gave Jason those visions to be shared , jason goes to my church and Is a very very humble christ loving man of God ,

  37. Sorry Michael I left off my email address , it is , happy to talk , but everything the Lord has revealed to me is in jasons carters 2 books , God bless you ! And I've said before , the four blood moons are gods wake up call to All , the hour I very very late , we must get our hearts ready for what will very soon come to the Earth , but in THEESE very soon horrible times , gods glory WILL SHINE THRU , how ? Who knows exactly , but I do know this , he IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY , so it will be AMAZING !

  38. In regards to conspiracy theorists...I realized that 30 years ago almost everything that was considered conspiracy has proven to be true but most people, in my experience, are offended by TRUTH. Thank you Glenda for your boldness to speak truth. Perilous times are coming quickly but they will be His brides finest hour on earth. I pray we will all have eyes to see, ears to hear and the courage to stand and be what our King needs us to be.

  39. About a year ago, I got a dream with people running and screaming and I heard someone said it is poison gas released. I have gotten several dreams with terrorists attacking America,so people watch and pray and be on your guard. Keep your eyes on Russia; they are waiting for the right moment to attack America. We need to pray earnestly for our nation.

  40. I was checking out some YouTube videos and low and behold I saw a video on number stations and the phrase Dead Hand was used to describe it. It originates out of Russia. Not sure if this has something to do with the vision but it certainly made me completely stop and take notice when I heard this. You might want to look it up on you tube under the title of Number Stations and see what you get. If you can't find it just let me know and i have downloaded the video.

  41. A good sermon to watch is one by Carter colon called the real jesus of the last days , but Russia ( the bear is rising ) , Putin went into hiding for 5 days ,this was a pretext for war , he has returned and ordered Russia to hold one of its biggest military drills ever undertaken , Putin knows exactly why the west are prodding him , he knows the real powers to be that run our western world own the federal reserve , and the dollar is all about done in , this has been building up for ages and is soon coming to a head , there are many implications behnd it all , there is a u tube video called world war 3 is coming soon and here's why , that explains the financial reasons behind it , the bible gives us a much more sinister story , we know out of this world war , the anti Christ will come , remembering that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , we know ultimately who is behind it all, and the dark secret societies he uses to usher in his agenda , another brilliant you tube video called a message to the awakened ones explains the societies satan uses to bring in his agenda , some may or may not realise that THEESE evil global elitest have been responsible for most major wars on our earth , this next world war will be no different , they will fund Russia , the west , who ever they need to bring in there new world order , Albert pike wrote the morals and dogmas , it clearly states that lucifer is God ( Google it , quite shocking ) . So , yes the war will be about power , wealth , control , they always are , but this is Satans final end time plan , as someone stated a couple of blogs ago , what was conspiracy 30 years ago , has proven true today , it's the same elitist plotting and scheming then , that do so know , the people may of changed , but the secret societies and thier agendas have stayed the same , in fact jfk went on American national tv to expose thier plans , 10 days later he was shot , again Google it , your see the truth , he was a very brave man to do what he tried to do , but as CHRISTIANS hear from God , occultist hear from satan and his realm , weather thru tartot cards , mediums , etc etc , the list of occults is growing strong , however one particular vision was given to Albert pike in the 18 th century on how to bring about a new world order using 3 world wars , if you google it , you will be amazed how accurate the first 2 world wars were and how accurately the third world war is lining up , you could say this is conspiracy , however , God doesn't think so , it's all in his word , some encrypted in the book of revelation , but between the book of Daniel and revelation , we can clearly see that conspiracy is actually gods truth , if you look deep enough , your see that the elitist funded hitler as well as Churchill , they will do the same in this war , it WILL NOT BE AN UNFORTUNTE CHAIN OF EVENTS , which is why we need to be even more closer to christ than ever , the book of revelation clearly shows how bad the loss of life will be , it's not good , but that's where we are , jesus said THEESE things must happen , and unfortutely they will , very soon , been in prayer God bless

  42. I have an old note that I wrote sometime ago it says to buy milk and masks. I have not had any visions or dreams but a strong sense that we maybe asked to stay in our homes for an extended period because of a virus, chemical attack, etc. The Holy Spirit is giving me a strong witness to be alert.

  43. Guys , watch a U tube video by Charles Lawson called the discovery of admiral Byrd over the North pole , watch it all , I've been trying to warn people about this , finally it seems good solid pastors are starting to put the pieces together , the reason why I say watch this , is because you will see the connection about Chen trails that countians metallics ( which is a good conductor ) and the diseases that they will release soon , the vaccines will have Mercury in them , guarantee it , bear in mind satan is ALWAYS behind it all , but the top elite who carry out Satans agenda are the same now as they were in the 1940 s , the evil experiments the nazis were into were funded by the evil elite , back then , the agenda was a new world order , these elite have TOTTALLY surrendered to satan and his schemes , take a special note on the bit he talks about air waves/ brain waves ( elf antenna ) this is NOT conspiracy , this really is part of thier agenda , the illuminti are always behind theese things , the experiments the nazis were into never stopped after the war ,it's a whole different agenda , but they just re named them and they relocated , the evil elite with the help of the demonic world fully intend to carry this out , you must understand THEESE have TOTTALLY sold out to the demonic realm , you can't help what they are praying over your airwaves but be very careful before you take ANY VACINES , I said it before , Satan relies on us thinking it's just silly talk , ITS NOT , 70 years on from the planned ww2 , we have the same ruling elite planning the same war with the same satanic agenda , technology has hugely advanced , there is a BIG REASON why they have set up technology to run on elf waves that are nearly EXACTLY the same as our brain wave , it's hard to explain , but if you watch the U tube video , your see it !
