
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Secret Place

Far away. Why do you dwell so far away from Me, My children? I desire you would live close to Me, that you would feel My presence near you at all times.

Come nearer. Come near and worship Me, sing praises to My Name. Take pleasure and seek solace in the secret place I have created for you and Me to share.

Come to the secret place I have appointed just for you.

Psalm 91:1  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


  1. My My Joy has been soo full in The Lord lately reading his word me as a babe in Christ desiring lately to read his Word and believing on his Word getting understanding in his Word. Being appreciative and Worshiping The Lord hours straight like I'm at church. He is so Good I find do no fault in him ever! He is God more righteous then I can ever be!

  2. Since last Saturday the evil spirits have doubled their attacks. I have to constantly have to fight them off with my prayers. They get frustrated with my precious blood devotion. They get almost powerless when I do it

  3. Amen, yes my Lord, the God of my Salvation. I do love singing praises always to Your Wonderful name. O Lord, my Lord, God of heaven and earth. Creator of the universe, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Your glory is higher than the heavens. I praise you, I worship you, I adore, I delight in Your holy presence, I desire You more than anything else. I always look up, waiting, and longing for Your return. Whom have I in heaven but You, O Lord, my rock and my Fortress. There is none like You, O God. From everlasting to everlasting Thou art God, no one can reverse Your actions, no one can oppose what You do. You shut doors that no one can open and You have opened doors that no one can shut for You are the God Most High. The God of Gods, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Great God,Awesome and Mighty to save. You are the strength of my heart, you are the strength of my life, who then shall I fear? For Thou O Lord is my portion forever, my high tower, my refuge, my protective shade, my rock and the Horn of my Salvation. O Lord, Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Lord, make me walk along the path of Your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.Behold, For You O Lord is my strength and my song!!!Your way is perfect. All your promises prove true. You are a shield for all who look to You for protection. The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock!Your Name be exalted forever, Amen. Halleluyah. Praise Jesus!!!!

  4. Amen. Thank you for posting this. It reminds me of how loving God is...and how He sees us. I have been listening to "The Prayer" and the song was really speaking to my spirit.
    "Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
    To a place where we'll be safe."
    Please continue to pray for me...I'm having trouble trusting God's will for my life. Basically...the fact that his plan for me is good. I want to be more bold in my faith, but I've been struggling daily with giving into fear. Several times a day I have to stand against it. Also pray for those close to me...I did feel a strong anointing of mercy during prayer times. There has been sickness and all sorts of chaotic stuff going on. Mostly it's building up in the spiritual atmosphere... I feel a lot of tension. I also feel trapped, and I feel led to stand as a light. I really need to get into a consistent quiet place with the I can hear him and live out of his overflowing love. I've been reading the Bible, and it's helping me get closer to God.

    I feel like God put the vision for my future he gave me on Shavuot/Pentecost into my heart on Rosh Hashanah. I don't know if others are experiencing this...but I feel like he veiled our minds for this holiday season we would learn to follow him with our hearts. Also that He wants to awaken the desires of my heart in this season.

    That's why I've been struggling hearing him...because I've been listening the other way (through intense study, through words, and analysis)...and now He is speaking through more emotions and promptings in worship. Thankfully I'm remembering a lot of dreams...because when I'm awake I feel like my mind isn't really helping me sort through much. So it helps me to not feel like there's this emptyness where the words in my mind used to be. I hope I'm explaining this the right way...I can think...but I'm not depending so much on understanding with my mind...but I'm understanding with my heart. I am still trying to learn what God is teaching me about my heart.

    I doubt God too much when He teaches me a lot at once...I get overwhelmed that He knows me so well. It makes me feel like a bad daughter. Like my relationship with God is lopsided...and I recieve more then I'm giving back. Maybe if I served others more...or found more balance it would help. Please pray that I learn to hear God clearly through my heart. Thank you.


    Psalm 24:3-4New King James Version (NKJV)

    "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
    Or who may stand in His holy place?
    He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
    Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
    Nor sworn deceitfully"

    God bless you.

  5. God richly bless you for daily posts I always look forward to it
