
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Surrender It All


Give it all to Me. Whatever frightens you, worries you – all your hopes and dreams, all your desires. I can mold it all into something magnificent, just for you.

A life beyond anything you could ever imagine.

Surrender to me all the broken and hurting pieces of your life. Surrender to Me all the good in it, too. I will create a masterpiece, and give it back to you.

Matthew 16:25  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.


  1. Thank you Glynda...your post was blessed me... GBU always

  2. Hi Glynda,

    I'm quite new in Christ. I wonder what it means to surrender our dreams, fears to the God. Does that mean to share it with Him in prayer and ask him to help us?



    1. Hi Louisa
      Yes that is exactly what it means. It starts from prayer and trust in God and then it will eventually show in your way of life.

  3. God only knows. God only 'spot on' timely this is.
    Thank you, thank you Father. You love me (and us all) so very, very much.
    You don't miss a thing about our lives.
    Every heartache, every fear, every disappointment, every tear drop matters to you.

    Mindful, caring, loving Father! Blessed be your Holy Name forever. I love You xxx

    (I wept at this word)

  4. Thank You for this word Glynda, as I am facing major surgery for cancer this coming week, that will change my life as I know it, I am surrendering all to my Lord, trusting that He will bring good out of it and glory to His name, please pray for me...long road ahead still, with other major things going on as well, ie job,family kids,etc.., but I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me and by His stripes I am healed! Take care.

  5. Let's pray for Amanda. Father whatever is going on in her life that needs Your grace and favor, we ask that Amanda will receive from You, in Jesus nme

  6. Let's pray for Amanda. Father whatever is going on in her life that needs Your grace and favor, we ask that Amanda will receive from You, in Jesus nme

  7. Louisa, Yes, it means exactly that. Share those things with Him in prayer, and then trust Him with them. God bless you, Sis!

    1. Thank you Glynda and Donald! God bless you greatly!

  8. Hi Louisa, To surrender means, "I give them up". The Lord knows your heart and mind. He wants to give us His mind so we will be thinking His thoughts. I have a prayer that says, "I abandon this thought or fear to You Lord". He then takes it away. I purpose to think of a song or scripture He wants Me to focus on. Because we believe the Lord is coming soon for His church we want to be doing what He has called us to do. Pray the Lord shows you what He needs you to do in this late hour.

  9. Thank you my sister maria.God bless you.

  10. Interesting. I really hope this is possible for even me.
