

  The Lord began giving me prophetic words and visions when I was in my twenties. I began to have visions and dream visions, which at that time related to my personal life, but it was not until 1996 that I truly got into an intimate walk with Him. 

  In 1997, I began to receive very vivid open visions as well as dream visions and prophetic words. In early 2008, the open visions came with a new intensity, so powerful that it felt as if a wall of wind had hit me as the visions opened up before me. In December of 2008, the Lord began to show me end times visions. 

  Just before 2011  began, He gave me several consecutive words in a short period of time for His people. I inquired of Him about receiving so many words in such a short time and He sent me a word the next day through a prophet that He is going to pour out His Spirit. That night He spoke to me to begin this blog to release them to His people. 

  This is how Wings of Prophecy began. In the scriptures Jesus said His sheep hear His voice (John 10:27). 

  I am no one special, and only wish to share what I have been shown and told in obedience to Him.


  1. GLORY to the name of the most high God! Thank You Jesus for Glynda Lomax.

  2. May the Lord strengthen you to do that which He has committed in your heart to do

    1. You are simply beautiful to the Body of Christ -- thanks for all you do.

  3. Thank You God for your amazing work through Glynda. Thank You for teaching her Your ways and thank You for sustaining her through all these years. Thank You for loving her so much that You didn't allow her the easy way through. Now in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that You would continue blessing, loving and sustaining her through everything and that You would renew her faith and joy in You. Father, please keep drawing her ever closer to Your light, where there is life forevermore. In Jesus' name amen.

  4. God bless you, Glynda. Your ministry has touched and blessed me in many ways. I have learned so much from you that other people in the body of Christ don’t teach.

  5. Enjoyed your blog. Blessings to you and yours in Jesus Name!

  6. Dear Beloved Sister in Christ Glynda Lomax , Your great site and good work through it I have blessed and I rejoiced for the sake of your faithful work.

    Thanking you.

    Sincerely yours in His Saving Grip

    your Sister in Christ Evangelist.G.Nava Ratna Sumana-South India.
    My E-Mail Address;-

  7. Interesting ... you've got my attention!! :/

  8. God bless you, dear sister.
    You are exactly right.
    Thank you for being one of few courageous voices for the Truth.
    Love in Christ

  9. I just now found you and i think i was supposed to. God be with you

  10. I love reading all the encouraging stories I'm trying to find my way through this just Praise Him. If there's anybody that okay let me know how to go about it I left a message and I thank all of you who have encouraged me this is the first time I've been here again I don't want to right anyting post anyting on different pages I know nothing about I just feel a little lost here but I think this is such a beautiful the words are encouraging and also to be honest a little fearful I'm asking God to fill me with courage and boldness and with his holy spirit there's nothing more than I want then him. Thank you and if I sound like I'm Valvoline I probably am because I'm lost I don't even know if this is a place I supposed to write this post if I'm not can someone please direct me where I should be I'm just starting here thank you so much may the Lord bless you appreciate your help and guidance amen

    1. You can post here, but you will get faster responses if you post at the end of any of the words, especially the most recent ones as the commenters often comment to each other there. We're glad to have you as part of the JPH Fellowship Community!

  11. I am from the USA and still live there.

  12. Glynda, I was in contact with you back in 2011 while going through a very trying time taking care of my father in San Diego. You helped me so much (my brother had been their caregiver and was being very cruel to me at the time), and I'm deeply grateful. Please keep me in your prayers,vas I'm having to start my life over at 57 after having my alcoholic (now ex) boyfriend arrested. I'm in dire need of relocating, but an hitting brick walls at every turn. Thank you, God bless you.

  13. Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the existence of this website which is so inspiring to stay steadfast in the faith of our God. Thank you for your efforts in creating this website. All glory to Him. Warm regards from a fellow believer from Borneo
