I desire My people would see Me as their provision and provider. I desire you would not walk in fear, but rely on the truth found in My word that I shall supply all your needs according to My riches in glory which are very great.
When you doubt My provision, You doubt My love for you. If you have been obedient to My commands and obeyed all I have spoken to you, what is there to fear?
I truly will make a way for you in all that is coming to the earth. Some of you I will speak to to move to other places and some I will provide for where you are. If you obey Me, the provision will appear. Concern yourselves with obedience to My word and listening to My voice.
Things are about to get much worse in the world for one is coming soon who will cause this. He is from the enemy’s camp and there is nothing you can do to stop him, but be aware My children that I see and know all things, and I shall fiercely protect those of you who are Mine.
(I saw the tall dark form of a man, but could not see any of his features as he was in the shadows. I sensed great darkness and evil, that his intentions are very evil. The Lord did not tell me if he is anyone spoken about in Revelations and I could not see any other details about him, but I do feel he is a leader of some kind, possibly a government leader. I was not shown his nationality, where he was, what country he is from, or the time frame in which he will be revealed.)
I shall increase My words to My children in coming months. Many who have never heard My voice will hear it for the first time. Know My children that it is My desire you hear Me speak but you must de-clutter your busy lives to make room for Me if you wish to hear Me.
I will be releasing words about events soon to come to warn those who have ears to hear. Many will turn a deaf ear and go about their worldly pursuits and will be taken in these events but this is not My desire.
Oftentimes My children blame Me for those who do not listen and then perish. Know My children, that I love each of you with a love you cannot even comprehend and for this reason I do warn you but many of you are like small rebellious children who refuse to come away from the fire. Do you not know that fire always burns? It is by its very nature hot and burning and yet you return again and again to the sin that burns you in the end. You ignore My words of coming disasters and continue playing by the fire, even after hearing My words of warning.
What is coming is a very great disaster and many lives will be lost. Many souls will perish in that time. I desire they would be saved and I have sent My words to them but they are refusing My instruction and the loss will be very great. Many shall mourn in that time; mourn the loss of loved ones, the loss of property, the huge blow to your economy this shall bring.
When will you heed My words to you My children? When will you hear and understand that I love you and I desire you would turn from your wickedness and be saved from your sins. When will you see how great My love is and how many times I have saved you from yourselves, how I have preserved your lives to give you one more chance to hear Me and obey Me? When will you receive Me? When will you make Me your God and throw down those false gods you are worshiping now? How I long for you to pursue Me instead of them!
(I could hear great sadness in the Lord’s voice when He spoke this last sentence)
Many disasters are soon to strike the world. Some will be man made but many will blame Me for them. Some of them are even planned. Yes, My people, there are those in the world who will harm you for their own motives.
Seek Me for understanding and wisdom. I will guide you in the times to come.
Philippians 4:19: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Matthew 4:4: But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Genesis 12:1: Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2 Peter 3:9: The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Isaiah2:8: Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:
Proverbs 2:6: For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Psalm 91
1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
I am gonna hang out with Jesus! that is where the bread multiplies and the manna falls!
ReplyDeleteI think i quote PS 91 everyday!
God bless!
This is a very important message from Glynda.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression many here believe they will be safe because they love Jesus. Folks, that is all well and good but that alone is not going to pull you through this perilous time ahead.
Reading your bible, singing songs on Sunday, giving money to your church, and praising Jesus is not the way out.
There are two types of Christians mentioned in the bible.
1. The Righteous
2. The Elect
The love church can fall into the righteous category.
What this means is the love church loves Jesus, obeys God's commandments, and is a follower and believer.
But thats where it ends.
Shalom everyone,
ReplyDeleteThank YOU Father for the word.
"When you will you see how great My love is and how many times I have saved you from yourselves, how I have preserved your lives to give you one more chance to hear Me and obey Me? "
Everyone this is so true. One of my biggest sins was fantasy video games that I would play and they were my god. Well last year World of Warcraft Cataclsym came out and I actually bought it and played it one night. I had a bad feeling about it and was convicted of sin. What if I kept playing? I would probably be playing it right now giving no thought to the LORD.
HE saved me from myself. AMEN! Thank YOU LORD! HALLELUJAH.
How is everyone?
Chief - I did not know that. I'll keep an eye out for what you are speaking of on the Righteous and the Elect.
In Christ with love,
Some of this message is specific to the US, some for parts of the rest of the world. Other parts for the world as a whole. Let God be your guide.
ReplyDeleteOn just earthquakes alone on June 5:
5.0 Christchurch NZ - 22:00h UTC
Same day on the Pacific rim:
6.3 Macquarie Is. Antarctica
5.8 & 5.1 Fiji region
5.4 Maule, Chile
The earth itself is beginning to revolt at the sinful behaviour of humans. And much more is to come.
Humans themselves are trying to play God with HAARP and EMF technology. In their imagined smartness, God himself will reach down His finger from heaven (so to speak), stir the pot just a little and have some of His sort of end-times fun - making their super dooper, you-beaut, super-secret technology go haywire and come back to bite them.
The NWO has plans for only 500M inhabitants of this world - now go figure: how many have to die in order to get it down to that level. They are already making GM maize which contains a spermicide - this they are "giving" to the third world supposedly out of the "generosity of their hearts"!
Saints, dwell under the wings of the Almighty, and the pestilences will not come nigh unto you. Remember, the body they may kill - thinking that that is the end of you. Little to they know this promise of Yeshua:
"To they who overcome, I will give them to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God, and they shall not be hurt by the second death". (Rev 2:7,11)
Contrary to so much of the "featherbedding eschatology" - which gets the Faithful out of the way while all that nasty stuff is going on on the earth, Yeshua's promise was not primarily to save us FROM suffering, but THROUGH suffering. Otherwise He would not have written:
"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life." (Rev 2:10)
Also, be on the lookout for that "hidden manna" (Rev 2:17). It may come in quite an unexpected form - listen to the Lord's voice, and He will tell you where it is.
A number of you in the US may feel led to move away from the New Madrid fault-line - this is likely to be especially vulnerable.
And while there is little to indicate it in the natural, God's interference with high-tech gizmos may well visit unexpected havoc in highly-Liberal New England - the heart of much evil in America. This may even catch the NWO conspirators by surprise.
In short, begin to think in terms of the Saints in Soviet times - being constantly on the move as led by the Holy Spirit, to ensure their survival and witness-potential during that evil time.
This is especially for complacent Americans who think: 'It can't happen here! We're 'God's light on the hill' - for the rest of the world. He simply CAN'T leave us unprotected!'
Remember, "Soviet times" are ahead for Americans - for only the "wise-virgins" will this not come as a shock.
It is already dark and you have no earthly time-pieces to help you. Have your ears tuned to even the faintest shouts of joy in the distance from the bridal-party as they approach for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
May you all be as wise virgins - have extra oil on hand, and may your lamps be trimmed - the midnight hour draws ever nearer. Only those who are prepared thus will go in with Him.
Anamchara - I also believe the message is part specific to the U.S. and part for the rest of the world. Thanks for posting! ~ Glynda
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ReplyDeleteWonderful words, Glynda. Had to smile.
ReplyDeleteI have ago been moved from the Chicagoland area to Virginia. I am ever led by the Holy Spirit and when God speaks I try to listen as best I can. It can be confusing at times though...as you try to decipher if this is actually God or a trick by the other side. In the end though, when you ask for clarification, it is given.
ReplyDeleteI too, feel strongly that the New Madrid will be a soon to come disaster such as America has never known. God has moved me to a friends home where we have about 5 people of like mind who are preparing for what is to come. This is truly a blessing for me as I lived all alone and am 53...so survival in the big city would not have been very likely. Amazing how God provides and protects!
God bless and be with us all that are with Him through all that is about to happen and may the ears and eyes of the rest be opened according to God's mighty will.
God bless,
Thank you for this good Word. It has confirmed some things for me and has also encouraged me. G-d bless you!
ReplyDeleteFolks, I hope all here are reading Anamcharra post here. He obviously has been doing the important deep research.
ReplyDeleteFolks, this is why I have been preaching against the modern love church against some peoples wishes here on this site.
You will usually not find your love church preachers saying what Anamcharra is saying. They are busy singing songs and perfecting that happy face perpetual sunshine smile of theirs
Now let me show you what the Pentagon is Briefing about - Funvax; A New Vaccine to cure you of Religious Belief!
Now I am not sure how real this is. A quick google search and you'll find a lot of people page after page talking about his.
People, when God said come out of her so you will not partake in her sins, this is propbably one of them He was talking about. Always remember, it is your taxes that fund these projects.
Some will not heed God's letter to us. Others will try as best they can only to be led astray with the doctrines of man; also known as the modern "love" church spoken of by Chief. I agree with Chief that there are mainly two types of Christians; the Righteous and the Elect. The Righteous can be further broken down into a few different categories; for example, my little old sweet grannys that have past on. One was brought up Mormon and loved Jesus just as much as the other that was brought up southern baptist. They both were as good as could be. The baptist one believed in the rapture and put too much faith in the preacher's words and the mormon would have no part in rapture belief. I beleive they were saved or will be during the millenium. I believe the millenium will be a time of teaching those (the people with a good heart) that didn't have a chance of hearing correct and truth teachings. Many will be saved during this time. As we are told in Romans 11: 7,8 God puts the spirit of slumber (a stupor) on some and I believe it is because they can't quite understand what they are taught and therefore aren't held accountable. Some can understand the truth but choose to ingnore it; such as a preacher that keeps his congregation all hyped up with the warm fuzzy feelings of love and flying out of here in a pre-trib rapture. He keeps his congregation in the dark in order to keep his paycheck coming. I believe these are the types (not necessarily preachers) that God sends stong delusion upon. 2Thes 2: 10,11 Hey, If you want to believe a lie, God will even help you believe it. And, Ah the Elect. The chosen ones that will help lead and guide and bring forth the truth; but more importantly the ones that are of this generation that will stand up for Christ and be brought up before the Antichrist (Satan himself,here on earth-defacto; not a flesh man that has been overcome by a demonic spirit,as some preachers would have you to believe) to let the holy spirit speak thru them as a witness. I do believe God is moving his Elect into positions (some spiritually and some also physically like our sister Sharon who just previously gave her testimony. Peace and Blessings!
ReplyDeletemctread, very well said.
ReplyDeleteLook people, we are not saying the modern love church is bad. There are really good people who love God with all their heart in these churches.
But as the bible tells you, that is not going to be enough to save you in the rough times Glynda is telling all here about. The love church is filled with the righteous but the bible tells us what happens to the righteous ones.
As many times in the bible it is not what is said is the message. God tells us Matthew 24: .22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Now what does that tell you about the future of the righteous?
The downfall of the righteous will be satans trap of "love before understanding."
ReplyDeleteIs this John P Holdren below your "dark man"? Or is he another even more evil?
Whatever the case, for those who wish to just coast along and enjoy the scenery, this is, or at least should be a major "wake-up" call. There are many out there who regard your warnings as mere "fairy-floss waffle". This should disabue their complacent minds of such precious nonsense.
References to "hidden manna" and Ps.91 are nowhere more relevant. . .
Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination
http://source1news.com/Source_1_News/Featured_Stories/Entries/2011/5/16_Video__Dr_Webster_Tarpley_exposes_the_world-wide_genocide_writings_of_John_P_Holdren.html Trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjGecwNRCTc Part 1 -15 min
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jbkrM1b0PY&feature=related Part 2- 15 min
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w5pBCqxoVg&feature=related Part 3 -14 min
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf-ZAeqTQww&feature=related Part 4 -13 min
This is already far advanced in secret White House planning. Most FEMA exercises (or those by its predecessor) in the past 10 years have this scenario in mind for America. All persons not needed to be slaves in this global-elite's economy are "useless eaters" and have no further rationale to exist.
Your only protection here is Ps91.
Do you think that the God of the Bible (existing in 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit) will allow this to unfold without some sort of Divine "interference"?!?
Mara-na-tha - even so, come Lord Jesus.
Why is it that all you folks are more than willing to accept Gods Grace through Jesus Christ, but seem so unwilling to extend that grace to fellow believers? All I see is a spirit fear. He does not give us a spirit of fear. So the next time you try to scare people into right relationship, remember it does not come from God.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting thing happens when a person attempts to deprogram from this crap. The truth sits right there for you to see, if willing.
The problem is that while I sat in my self righteousness, dictating to others how they should live, I could not see my error. Non of you will either.
Pleading with people to "get right" is futile. First of all they are covered under the same Grace I am. If there is a problem that needs resolving, that same Grace allows me to roll up my sleeves and enter in by Grace to help. Sitting on a stump spouting stuff never drew anyone closer to the Kingdom. How is that showing love for one another? They may make a decision and I got a notch in my belt, but in all actuality I probably just made them twice the children of hell than they where. Because now the only thing I have done is made them responsible, and offered no help getting there. Not very effective.
You cannot dispute me on this. You will try, but this is my 20 year wilderness learning, and this my friends is the still small voice that gently pleads for us to come.
I am covered under the same Grace. I agree that some bodies of believers have gone to the extreme on the Love doctrine, but I would rather draw people with Love than fear. I have found it to be more effective long term. Again, this is because it demands I roll up my sleeves and lend a hand.
Spouting messages from an armchair does not seem to qualify as this type of work. I am sorry but it is the truth.
There is a physical manifestation of the Beast and Antichrist. Revelation 19:20 is explicit on this:
ReplyDeleteAnd the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Chief you are right in fearing the ignorance/ not seeking the truth love church! They are programed not to question anything. to only listen and take the respected teachings/interpretations of the day..In fact they are taught to run from the Truth! Up until the end everything was sealed so whats been taught until just recently is a lie....The whole picture is starting to come into focus. But the programing is deep.
This is the main text of my previous post:
ReplyDeleteWebster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination
In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite’s true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule.
Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.
Holdren calls himself a "neo-Malthusian" in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a "Science Court," where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don't conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren's "planetary regime". He also seeks to institute "de-development" worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to "pre-industrial civilization" where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.
Holdren's co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70's claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich's warning of a "population bomb" has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.
Holdren's limit for global population is set at 1 billion people, meaning that under his program nearly 6 billion people would have to be wiped off the planet in one way or another.
Tarpley emphasizes how Holdren advocates "triaging" entire countries like India and Bangladesh, consigning them to doom by suddenly withdrawing all aid, an act of indirect genocide that would outstrip Adolf Hitler's body count in terms of numbers alone. This is a man who acts as a government science czar with executive powers under a supposedly "liberal" administration.
This is a pivotal interview in which Tarpley pores over the information contained in Ecoscience at a level of detail never previously documented, to warn how the mind set that Holdren imbues, which is shared by almost all the top elitists running our world, poses a direct threat to our very survival in the 21st century.
Hey Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I have created a Live Chat page for those of you who want to interact about theology, doctrine, or other subjects not related directly to the words posted here or experiences/words you have had or heard of that relate directly to the words. Click on the page link at the top right. The Live Chat has been added in an effort to keep all discussions in comments restricted to those things that apply directly to the words being posted. Comments containing theological type stuff will no longer be approved - not because I don't like you :-) or because I necessarily disagree but because I have received a large volume of email from readers who find it distracting. I think discussion can be good, and thought provoking,so I have created a place just for that. God bless you all - Glynda
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment Michael. I was able to identify with Michael's comment and am very grateful for it. I am fairly new to this website and have been reading the prophecies and comments for weeks. Thank you Glynda!
ReplyDeleteI am trying very hard to understand what has been happening to me as of late but what doesn't help is reading comments from people who are trying to prove they are wiser and more knowledgeable than the next. It very much feels like a competition sometimes. This is very frustrating because I feel I am being led by God on a path.
I feel that we are all at different 'levels' if you will, and cannot force the level of understanding. I would like my loved ones to join me in my journey but I'm afraid I will turn them off so I figure I will just lightly 'introduce' them to a few things and let God take it from there. I read the bible daily and spend alot of time studying this website and others, but I don't feel 'qualified'. I feel as if I am so behind. Is that wrong?
God bless you all!
Glynda thank you for creating the Live Chat page for those who want to discuss conspiracy items, love church, etc., so that the rest of us can discuss and meditate on your prophetic words.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that He is giving you words that we need to get closer to him by reading His word, and pray, and to avoid all the distractions that continuously seem to come up in our lives. The more of Him we have, if I understand correctly, we will not have to be worried about what to do or how we will be protected if we are faced with what is prophesied in these words. He has promised to be with us. I accept that!
God Bless All!
Just going over the first 3 paragraphs of this word. It just brought to mind 1 Kings 17 where we are introduced to Elijah the prophet.
ReplyDeleteBTW Glynda, good move with the chat venue. I think we get to OT with stuff. I, for one, can get sucked into debates that really don't glorify our Lord. Knowledge can really puff a man up and bring him into sin if he's not careful. May the Spirit guide you in wisdom as you screen the comments and the chat be a place of encouragement and info for growing in Christ.
ReplyDeleteBrisr, Thank you for your kind comments. The chat room looks like it will be a place of fellowship as well as debate and discussion and I think it will help keep the comments section for just those comments that pertain to the prophecies being posted. Hope you will join us in there - I will be in and out since I work during the day. God bless you! Glynda
ReplyDeleteSophia, Yes I have seen that site, I know the owners of that site through the internet. Those words also resonate in my spirit.
ReplyDeleteHi Glynda, I just want to say how grateful I am for your inspirational comments, the sharing of your spiritual dreams and visions, and Wings of Prophecy website. You have the best set-up and layout of any I have ever visited. I quit visiting many sites that allow comments because of the lack of scrutiny over those comments and the allowance of profanity using idiots. If a person doesn’t agree, then so be it. They don’t have to be insulting about it. Having said all that; I realize some people are touchy, and are offended by comments about doctrines, etc. that they believe in and don’t want to hear about subjects that are controversial, like the fly-away doctrine. I won’t get into it here, since I respect your right to limit and allow discussions to what and where you want them. After all, it is your site, and all visiting should respect that. However; I would like to post my e-mail address here so anyone wanting to have a discussion concerning the biblical truths that I have discovered can contact me. After having been taught a fly-away lie since I was nine (when I accepted Jesus as my Saviour) in 1965 until I learned the truth in 2007 after praying for the truth, I feel I have a duty to my Heavenly Father. You know, we all will kneel before God and give an account of our deeds; and with those good deeds we are rewarded with our garment to wear for eternity. If God ask me why I did not make an attempt and effort to get someone here to heed his words concerning the fly-away deception, I don’t want to be guilty of turning away from someone and loosing part of my garment. I want to make sure I at least have enough to make a beach towel. Some Christians will be lucky to have just enough cloth for the bottom half of a thong bikini. Thank God we all get a new glorified body and don’t have to carry over with these flesh bodies for the eternity. From the looks of some people I see, there would be some scary sights in heaven with only a little piece of cloth for a garment. Anyways, If someone wants to discuss the biblical truths disproving the fly-away doctrine and aren’t afraid of the spiritual conviction that comes with that understanding, you can e-mail me at- mctread@embarqmail.com I’m usually online between 8 and 10 pm EDT, Mon. thru Fri. We can chat one on one or go to the chat room here and start a discussion. Peace to all. P.S. I am trying to get my neighbor, who is a Pastor that has been teaching this doctrine for the past 15 years to see the truths and possibly visit here. I think he is beginning to see the truths, but; Getting him to admit that he has been wrong all this time? Well that’s between him and the Father. Judgment does begin at the pulpit.
ReplyDeletemctread - Thank you for your nice comment. I love to see open discussion but you're right, I don't like profanity :) and I hate visiting sites where I see it. I created the live chat room a few days ago for those who visit the site who want to fellowship or discuss, and today I added a forum specifically for those who would like to share their revelations about doctrine, or who like to debate - I hope you will check it out and feel free to share what you're passionate about so others can see it, including a link to your site where they can find out more. Thanks for posting! Glynda