Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Season of Great Change

My children know these are perilous times. Very perilous indeed, for some.

You have entered into a season of great change, My children – and these changes shall affect you personally.

My judgment always begins with My own. If My own people do not show forth My standards in the earth, who will?

I shall judge those who call themselves by My glorious Name, yet walk in sin now. The wicked who continue to refuse Me, I shall heap hardships upon, until they realize their need for Me and repent, or until they perish. 

The righteous, My children who truly walk in My ways, shall experience change – good changes – for you, My children, are being promoted into a higher level of My work and abundance.

You live in perilous times, My children, but those who serve Me, who walk in My ways will see only blessings!

1 Peter 4:17
17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Psalm 4:8
8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.

Psalm 75:6-7
6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.


  1. My other pastor said we (the obedient children) are entering in a blessing season.The wicked are going to go thru hardships. She summed it up like this but 2 months ago people are about to reap what they have sown

  2. Hi Glynda i would appreciate prayer for obediance and for the LORD to lead me in my path. Im constantly dealing with new struggles it seems like is something new each week. Or old things pop back up.. My heart is heavy at times and i just wanna scream and i feel so angry inside sometimes and i just want to cry i know these are perilous times especially emotionally for me...thank you.🌼

  3. When God uses the word Great, let us be reminded of Jonah's error. Go into that great city, Nineveh. Had Jonah been paying attention, he would have realized, that people were going to repent and be spared. Other cities such as Sodom, were not considered great. A Great Season is here, let us pay attention to God's instruction and, be careful to not call any of God's creations with names or labels. A certain understanding of Jonah's encounter came to me a few years ago, as Jonah referred to Nineveh as a, Hell hole, and there was no way he was going there to be tortured or beaten, even killed. Three days inside the stomach of a whale, where acids de solving everything, burning, hot and suffocating, total darkness, rotting smell and stench, standing in decaying liquid, etc., no lights, no bed or recliner, no tv. Well, you get the picture, a slight comparison of Hell, as it may have been far worse than we could even imagine, but we certainly cannot be judging or name calling people or cities. Oh yes, fear the Lord, as a Great Season we have never witnessed before, has come. Kelvin Bond

  4. Maria,

    Obedience is a choice - you must exercise your free will and choose to obey the Lord. That is not a matter for prayer, but for you to be alert to choices, like when those struggles come - those are your training for obedience. Use them. God bless you - Glynda
