Friday, October 30, 2015

Word To America

As you may or may not know, I recorded an episode of Wings Radio with Guest Prophet Jay Hudson on October 29th, where many words came forth. The Lord gave Jay a word a year ago regarding Obama and the 2016 Presidential Election. That word echoed something I have been hearing in my spirit for many months now regarding the debates, etc. for the upcoming election year.

The Lord also spoke a word to me as we were recording about America, which I shared on the show.

The audio quality for the show is not the best, as it was recorded over Skype. I apologize the quality is not better, I am not aware of another way to record phone call interview shows for better quality.

I hope you will each take the time to hear what the Father spoke to us all during the taping of the show. It is also available to listen to via YouTube. The links for the Radio Show and YouTube versions are listed below.

May our great and merciful God greatly bless you as you walk through this week.


YouTube: (Audio Only)