Monday, November 28, 2011

They Shall Be Deceived

I was in my prayer time and near the end of it, the Lord began giving me things to pray He never led me to pray over before. He led me to pray over the safety of the food I eat today, my internet connection, my electricity, water supply and the air I breathe. I knew this was something new, and after I prayed it, I sat quietly before Him and He began to speak this word.

My children, a dangerous time approaches. Dangers now lurk where none did before and you must be diligent in prayer - for yourselves and also for those you love. Many in the world seek to harm My people. Many would see you destroyed - annihilated.

There is coming one who desires this much more than those before him and he will strive against all that is of Me and My kingdom purposes. Watch for him to appear. Know that his intent is evil only. He does not bring peace though he claims to. His peace talk opens the doors for him to cause My people harm, to bring war.

It is this one who will cause My people to rise and fight against each other as never before. Brother against brother. Did I not say in My word these days would come? And so shall it be.

Strive to walk in love one with another for in love are you protected from sin. Those who fail to walk in love shall fall quickly to the enemy's plan in these last days for they shall be deceived and their hearts darkened.

My children, I have long been preparing you for this time. Rise up in My strength and declare My word boldly. Pray for the lost and for your loved ones. Pray to be counted worthy, and stand. Stand, do not fall away though the temptation be great. Stand in the truth of My words.

Matthew 10:21: And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

John 13:34-35: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (35) By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Ephesians 5:2: And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.


  1. Wow Glynda!
    I can see that holiness is going to be our only protection in these last days and that it will also come by being led by His Spirit,in our prayer closets.
    These are dangerous times indeed and the average Christian doesn't have a clue.I am SO glad that the Lord woke me up before it was too late. I spent many years being quite content in my lukewarmness.
    But now it feels good to be hot! And I remember that a long time ago,that is where I started.
    I pray that I'll finish hot and that when it comes time for me to leave it will be in a hot blaze of glory, His Glory!
    The Lord is Holy the Lord is One!
    Every word out of His mouth is righteous, Holy, true and just. May the Name of the Lord Be Exalted on the Earth. May the name of the Lord the God of Glory, be Magnified! May His holy name be praised and Glorified forever and ever!
    The Lord bless you, Glynda

  2. We must keep our garments clean and spotless before the Lord. Stay in the word and be strong when the storm comes. For those who are not will be lost in the darkness forever.

  3. Glenda, thank you for being faithful to post these words from the Lord for the world to read. I am so glad that I found your website. Having an on-line community of believers is quite an inspiration for me and it is putting a desire in my heart to come out of my lukewarmness and to become bolder for the Lord. The Lord is communicating an extreme sense of urgency in the tenor of your messages and in believers’ spirits which I have not seen since I began studying prophecy 20 years ago. Other prophetic teachers are corroborating these messages (visit the websites of “It’s Supernatural” and John Paul Jackson, to mention a few). In addition, I had chills when I read an article in today’s paper by The Associated Press. It said in part:
    “European leaders rushed Monday to stop a rampaging debt crisis that threatened to shatter their 12-year-old experiment in a common currency and devastate the world economy as a result. One proposal gaining prominence would have countries cede some control over their budgets to a central European authority. In a measure of how rapidly the peril has grown, that idea would have been unthinkable even three years ago. World stock markets, glimpsing hope that Europe might finally be shocked into stronger action, staged a big rally.”
    Reading this is like reading the Writing on the Wall. Who will be the one to lead a central European authority? The man of perdition is alive in this world and as you say, we are instructed to “watch for him to appear.” The fact that the stock market rallied at this news exemplifies just how many people are not paying attention to the Bible. Crisis looms on many fronts, from monetary to natural disasters, but thank God that he provides His Word which we can consume deep within us and His mercy to love and forgive us. No matter what happens in the natural world, if we die, we will transition to a Heaven with Him that is so glorious, no words have been able to adequately describe it. I thank God that He put into each of us a will to live to the fullest. But, as Paul said in Philippians 1:21, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” For those who believe in Him, they will be saved either way. God Bless you and your readers.

  4. April, Thank you for your kind comment. I'm so glad you like the site. The last few words the Lord has released have really had me thinking as well. We know its the end part of the end times, but it really brings it all home when He starts giving us messages like these, doesn't it? Blessings to you, April - thanks for posting! ~ Glynda

  5. I know that time frames are one of the hardest things to get a good sense of in prophecy - because when we feel like God is saying soon, sometimes His soon is 5 years rather than our tomorrow - but have you gotten a sense of time with the one who is coming, the man of perdition that you mentioned? Did it seem as if we would know in the next year or two, or does it seem longer away than that? Thanks for being so faithful to post these things Glynda, and for your encouragement

  6. Thank you for posting this.It confirms what I have been sensing in my spirit.
    I also sense a terrible time of darkness starting next month,probably near Christmas,then growing worse and worse as the year goes on.
    I have never shared publicly before but I am going to step out in faith with this.Two nights ago I was sitting in my recliner,just being quiet.Out of the corner of my eye I "saw" my lamp begin to shake slightly.I turned to look at it directly and saw nothing in the "natural."This happened twice.Then I heard the Holy Spirit say "You will experience a small earthquake in Alabama in a short amount of time."
    I do not consider myself a prophet and like I said I have never shared a word from God before but I did feel led to step out with this.Time will prove it-one way or another.

  7. greenvalleyhsers I would say that's wishful thinking..

  8. Greetings to all in the name of the Lord:
    First post. Long time reader.
    Praise the Lord for Glynda and blessings to all her readers. When I see a word come up on my screen from Glynda from our Lord, it's like a dear and precious gem that I save to read at the right moment that I've set aside. Praise his name.
    I've been thinking for awhile now that if we were for some reason cut off from the internet and could not access Glynda's words from the Lord, how would we hear from her. What I was thinking was to form a chain of cells. The first cell would be Glynda's. Glynda, after receiving a word would in turn contact the next cell that would be formed. The leader of that cell would be responsible, through phone or post, to contact all the members of his or her group, and so on to the next cell. I don't know how feasible this would be but I just thought I'd place it out there to get us all thinking in this direction that might come upon us.

    God Bless

  9. Trill, I think just forming the cells for end times communication in general is a wise idea. We should pray about this and see what the Lord leads us to do. Some are pretty far from everyone else, but that is definitely work thinking about because some time in the future we all know all coms will go down, and it could end up being permanent, depending on what happens in each of our areas. God bless you, Trill - thank you for that kind comment - you made my night! ~ Glynda

  10. Hi April. If you keep a watch on EU you'll see the formation of things there, moving fast now. notice the ousting of PM's of italy, greece recently and emplacement of technocrates(unelected)sent in and daniel 8's-by peace he destroys many, also the verses about before whom 3 horns are uprooted, and the recent stability pact their discussing which would bypass maastricht treaty changes required to form a fiscal union and move them into it quickly without nations having to bother to vote(no kidding,it's how some have termed it), it's fairly interesting. also can see the-he causeth all to-in rev 13...there's no voting on the most important issues in the future and the trend is moving in that direction silently.
    am noticing on the economic forums many outside of Christ are talking of biblical prophecies and you can tell some are really considering again the things(seeds) that were planted before in hearing the gospel in times past, there are others witnessing on every site for news and His Word is being spoken and taught in every hedgerow including financial blogs. We can praise God and I believe we'll see many come to faith from all area's and walks of life. He's truly good huh. Keep praising Him! :))

  11. Diane blue, I saw a lamp post shaking also! On Monday evening I was hand grazing my horse after sunset and the lights were on in the empty riding arena next to me. There are four large gas-lights in a row affixed to a telephone pole which shine into an arena, and no one was around at this point. It was a beautiful, still evening and I looked up at the lights, which were shining away from me, and saw them moving back and forth! I stared, looked away, looked back and they continued to sway. I felt no movement in the ground, my horse continued to graze as if nothing was happening. I looked back at the lights and realized that I was not seeing in the natural, but rather into another realm. It was real to me, but nothing else was shaking. I live in Virginia and in August 2011 we had a magnitude 5.8 earthquake while I was standing on almost the exact same spot. However, while buildings shook all over our area, those of us who were there that day did not feel anything, I guess because the ground absorbed the shockwave. And, we certainly did not see the lights and light post moving! I don’t have a meaning for what I saw, other than I felt I was watching something spiritually significant unfold.

  12. "When I see a word come up on my screen from Glynda from our Lord, it's like a dear and precious gem that I save to read at the right moment that I've set aside."

    Dear Gylnda, Trill speaks exactly to how I feel too. I am so honoured to have the opp to hear directly from the Lord, through your words, as I don't get such things like this myself. In fact, I must admit, i rather worry how on earth will i know what to do if/when the internet goes down and times are even darker?!

    I'm so thankful for the Words God gives you here! Truly! (and thus I continue to pray for you regularly as i can only imagine the schemes the enemy msut try to toss your way.) Yours and Jehoshua's sites are the only ones I trust for certain. The truth resonates from them.

    I found it interesting that part about brother against brother, referring to believers as i always took it to be blood family only. Also,I worry for those believers who are so judgmental in their religious pride--refusing to forgive, come what may, or be humble before others, letting their guard down. Pride is something we sort of condone in the church but it could very well be one's easy undoing in times ahead--hard to walk in TRUE love when thinking one is so much better.

  13. April and Diane Blue, last Wednesday while in prayer I had a colorful vision of a giant chandelier swaying back and forth above a rotunda. The multi-level round interior space was similar to Union Station and the Capital Building in Washington, DC. The walls were shaking violently, as in an earthquake.

    Interesting imagery God is showing, of moving "light sources" (each of us saw a slightly different form of a lamp).

    Could it be a literal indication that a tremendous shaking event may happen at night, when lamps and lights are lit? Or symbolic, spiritual imagery relative to the virgins with their lamps ready for the coming events, as in Matthew 25.

    Any insight, anyone, into these widespread visions of lamps shaking and swaying?

    I suppose there is space for these comments in the forum, but I wanted to join in here for continuity of the theme.

    Glynda, thank you for all you do and have a blessed day!

  14. Here is comfirmation of Glynda's post here.. If you want to keep tabs on everything this websites it

    Tens Of Millions Of American Families Are Living On The Edge Of Desperation – And The Economy Is About To Get A Whole Lot Worse

  15. Dear Glenda. . thanks so much for your diligence. The postings over these last months have been a real confirmation of what the Lord has been speaking to my heart as well. In addition, those who post support the notion that we are individually and collectively being directed by God for these last times. It is all about the harvest which the enemy would like to steal. Let's be in agreement with each other in praying for those who are in our spheres of influence to be awakened and birthed into the Kingdom of God. Let's agree that the deception of the enemy holding our loved ones and communities in darkness will be exposed by the Light of His Truth .

    There is such great shaking and re-alignment going on in our lives and families right now that I feel is for the preparation of the real shaking that is about to commence.

    Blessings to all, who read and post and special thanks to you Glenda. Maranatha!

  16. Hebrews 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

    Hello. Those comments about lamps shaking remind me of this.
    Let me know if this helps - I could be wrong.

  17. diana blue
    i live in alabama and at the beginning of this year the Lord told me an earthquake was coming here. we had on an island about 40 miles from me, however, it was only a 3.4. i know that this is not the one that the Lord was showing me, that one is going to be big, i do believe.
    anyway, just wanted to share that with you
    God Bless

  18. Trill and Glynda,

    I have also come up with the same idea, I have quite a few people's phone numbers in my cell from the chat site. This same thought that you had came up soon after the chat site opened, but needs to be more of a phone tree I think, a hierarchy of sorts, I have email addresses and phone numbers of quite a few members here. Lets devise a way to get it up and functioning with a test run to make sure to work out any kinks.

    Your sister in Christ,

  19. I am greatful for the posts responding to my first postig.I am so glad I am not alone in seeing these things and now know they are indeed from God.
    They could be manisfested in both the spititual and the physical.
    We who are in Jesus are indeed being shaken and attacked.We are the Light of the World.

  20. I am greatful for the feedback on my comment,
    I believe my "vision" is for the natural and in the spitit realm also.
    As Christians we are the Light of the World-as least we are supposed to be.
    As we are physically shaken,how we will we react in the spiritual.Will we react in love or attack each other.
    I pray we will all keep abiding in Jesus-the only safe place.

  21. Thank you to Glynda for Wings of Prophecy. I've read a little about David Wilkerson's The Vision and have found the information both of you have shared is much the same. After working with individuals needed government assistance with food stamps and cash, Medicaid etc. I perceived that America is on shaky ground. People get lost in the paper shuffle and their desperation is claiming lives already. As part of the church, my role has changed recently due to discovery of an affliction not very well known. I'm homebound, tethered to oxygen, living each moment as though it might be my last, and have had to cast my cares totally on the Lord. He keeps providing my needs. I went from working to totally disabled in a brief time, and used every cent of my savings, and have SSDI and Medicaid Disability and am deeply in debt. Now I have my 26 year old god daughter living with me as my caregiver, however, she recently was discharged from the hospital after 25 days, emergency surgery, terrible sickness and kidney infection that nearly claimed her life, so I'm being her caregiver while she recuperates. She has no insurance, savings or income. She has a cognitive/emotional impairment and a documented learning disability. Because God made it clear to me to do all as her godmother (her birth mother passed away and wasn't capable of raising her child, the father is alive with a greater impairment so he couldn't raise her either) and do it as unto Jesus. That has not been easy. I witnessed the power of God upon my goddaughter at age 11 when she asked Jesus into her heart. Her father has become saved and involved in church, stopped drinking etc. and he is here visiting for 2 months to be with his daughter. Left and right we are watching God making provisions and supplying our needs. It has been spiritually sweet to share the love of God amongst ourselves like never before. I'm able to share on Facebook, and have been complimented by friends at the strong faith I testify of. It is difficult for me to talk now, so I do quite a lot of typing in order to share the goodness of God and His faithfulness to His children, and whenever I can invite someone to ask Jesus to come into their heart as their personal Savior and Lord, it gives me another person to pray for. My prayers are really short and to the point since I cough so much. I know I'll transition from this earthen vessel to be with Jesus when my work here is completed. I want to keep living and so I'm doing everything I can to be healthy and free for God to work through. Having been brought through deep trials and tribulations by God has given me deep roots that I can be well nourished by His word, and pass blessings along to others who need Him. I walked and talked among those whom society would cast off, just as a man of God told me 30 years ago, and I'm still doing so in my own apt. today. I haven't received a long message from God, but I do recognize His voice guiding me. When I get the thought and act on it, it shows me God gave me the guidance. Each of us has an important reason and purpose in the Lord and people watch to see what we do or don't do when tough times hit hard. I've shared this to be an encourager to tell any person who will receive it that God is in control, we can have our needs met as we give them to Jesus and let Him figure out what to give you, when, how much etc. You will shine brightly in the deepening darkness to a lost and dying world. Trust and obey God.
    Blessings to all.
    Lois Baldridge-Roseberry

  22. Lois, thank you for that encouraging word--it really ministered to me this morning and was a word in due season. I've just now prayed for you and your household. May God bless you for being an example of how to stand strong holding onto Jesus, our Rock, even when everything in the natural feels like a struggle. 1Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer...

  23. 2 Thessalonians 2

    1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    6And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

    14Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    15Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

    16Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

    17Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

  24. Well Sister Glynda, looks like the big announcement last week is definitely causing Christians to debate with one another. I am almost certain that as we draw nearer to election time--that is, if we have one--more of these kinds of stunts will take place and will result in further division amongst God's people.

    Jesus Christ, help us your children to stand against all the wiles of the devil. And open our eyes that we might recognize that Wicked when he is revealed. The Blood of Jesus over our hearts and minds. Amen.
