April 1, 2009
I was praying and asking God to help me distance myself from distractions so that I could be more effective in my time in His word and in prayer when He spoke this to me.
“The world around you is filled with distractions – many of My children do not spend time with Me at all but the cost to them will be great in the days coming for I shall pour out My judgment upon all those who do not seek to know Me or My Will for their lives. No longer shall I look on as they go their own way following their own plans but I will smite them with a curse until they turn their faces to Me in repentance!”
“The days are quickly approaching when gross darkness shall cover the earth and men’s hearts shall be darkened. No more will they be able to turn to Me and choose My way for they will have worshiped their own way and I shall give them the fruits of it.”
“This nation is no longer under My blessing but under a curse and those who have not chosen to know Me will soon feel My hand of judgment heavy upon them. Cry, My Children! Cry out for those you love! Weep and wail, mourn for the unrepentant hearts for souls are at stake! Cry out to Me for mercy for them for I am the only One who can save them from the flames of eternal damnation!”
“Weep and wail for this lost nation for soon it shall drink from the cup of bitterness as I have ordained! Weep for it! Cry out for the unsaved for many shall perish in that hour! My fire falls on those who love Me and serve Me but a different fire is coming for the wicked and they know it not! I hold My own in the palm of My mighty hand to protect them but I shall pour out My anger on the wicked and unrepentant and my judgments are coming soon!”
“Cry My children! Cry and mourn in travail for the lost for this is My heart!”
“Why waste ye hours praying over building funds and music programs while the hungry and lost walk in darkness? Did Jesus build buildings? Did He run music programs? Nay! He fed the hungry, visited those who were sick and healed them, He prayed and taught unbelievers, He called sinners to repentance!”
“Why do I see My precious widows and orphans sitting alone while My shepherds and priests meet each other daily over expensive lunches? I say those who do not repent of this before Me with tears will pay a grave price! You seek to build your own houses and ignore Mine! I shall tear your idols from Your hands and leave you weeping with no places of worship for forsaking Me, the Fount of Living Water! I shall leave your little ones fatherless and crying in the streets for bread when I smite you with a curse!”
“Weep and howl for your sins have come up before Me and they are grievous! Weep and howl for the fates that await your young ones for your lack of obedience and unrepentant hearts! Weep for your nation for she has forsaken Me and now she must be judged and you will stand in awe of My mighty power as My Hand of Judgment moves against her!”
“I will strike her with fire, with famine and disease! The screams of the wicked I will not hear in that time. I will give her enemies power to burn her and torture her – they will spoil her riches and ruin her beauty because she has forsaken Me and My ways! No more shall she be called the land of the free and the blessed but she shall be termed desolate – jackals shall lodge where her cities once stood so proudly – weeds will cover her and insects will feed on the flesh of the dead in her streets.”
“Then will you know that I AM the Lord your God and Me only shall you serve and worship!”
Jeremiah Chapter 25:
36 A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the LORD hath spoiled their pasture.
37 And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the LORD.
38 He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger.