

Mailing Address

Glynda Lomax
P.O. Box 854
Altus, OK 73522-0854


  1. Hi Glynda. Im subscribed to your blog but am no longer getting emails from you daily. Checked my junk folder-not there. something changed about a week ago.


    1. Fred, Check your spam folder. Usually that indicates there has been a change in filters with your email provider.

  2. Meeee too! Last one I received was 9-16 I think!

  3. Hi Glynda
    I am so enjoying your Blog and YouTube messages. Count me among those under attack- it's really gotten ugly. Personal life as well as the jezebel and ahab spirits in church. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Hi Glynda,
    I really enjoy your messages, I just signed up. I can confirm what you said about Christmas, last Christmas of 2015 I had about the best one I have had and I felt God telling me that that one would be the last one as we know it. It was such a feeling of trying to squeeze out every drop of Christmas joy as I knew it even from childhood into one. The latest thing I have been hearing is 'Brace for Impact', and 'Expect the Unexpected'. Had a spiritual experience yesterday about that. God is indeed speeding things up and we don't have much time. We really need to be enjoying every day of peace and soaking up God's word right now because we don't know exactly 'when'. But I think we all know it is very very close.

    1. Hi Glynda your in my prayers. You my beloved sister and others are the only ones who are speaking His heart for such a time as this. He has spoken to me the time is short tell them that none perish.. My sister today I wanted to share the Prophetic Word you spoke but everytime I tried sending it thru messenger it would not allow me..this is the first time this had happened to me.. I checr ever and it wad fine only this came from them..we cannot send this

  5. Sister Glynda
    What way can we tithe into your ministry if we don't live in the US??

  6. Hi,
    What way can we tithe into your ministry..??for those that aren't from the US

  7. Glynda - Not sure what's going on with you as it's been over a week since you last posted. I'm praying for your good health and safety. Please keep us informed if you need prayer.

  8. Glynda, we haven't seen you post in awhile, hope everything is alright! God Bless!

  9. Hi Ms. Glynda, just checking on you. Just wanted to make sure you were alright since you have not posted a word in a while.

  10. Waiting for your next blog, trying to be patient !! :))

  11. Thank you for providing a daily read everyday. I enjoy the insight and reading immensely. As per today's fb post for listening to your upcoming one word to you is "Son".
    God bless you.

  12. Please add me to your pray list David H

  13. Hi, please how can I subscribe?

  14. Okay. In the coming famine it says that Jesus will feed us. But what does it mean in the Bible where He says unless we eat of His body and drink of His blood we will have no life in us?

  15. Hey Glynda, I enjoy your words. I clicked on a link on z3 and brought me here. God bless.

  16. Beloved of God
    Hi Glynda
    Thank you so much for every line you post on the internet, day by day !
    I'm so blessed evry time when meditating on what the Lord has given you !
    Be mightily encouraged with : Numbers 6:24-26
    brother eric

  17. Beloved of God
    Hi Glynda
    Thank you so much for your daily posts on the internet.
    Everytime I'm so blessed when meditating on what the Lord has given you.
    Halleluiah to the Lamb ! Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high ?!
    From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's Name is to be praised !
    Be powerfully encouraged sister with : Numbers 6:24-26
    from the bottom of my heart

  18. Thank you for the prayers that you have put together.I would like a copy please ,
    My email is
    Thank you.Michele

  19. Hello Glenda - Do you believe we are already in the tribulation? Thanks for all the messages from the Lord.

  20. Dear Glynda,
    I am very grateful to have found your online ministry.
    Each message I’ve listened to has really ministered to my heart, especially the recent one on forgiveness. I believe we are in such a critical time in church history. I appreciate your dedication and passion for sharing the Word of God.
    May I request prayer for my 84 year old mother (Laverne Lara)? She is in need of salvation.
    Thank you and God bless you,

  21. Dear Glynda,
    I am very grateful to have found your online ministry.
    Each message I’ve listened to has really ministered to my heart, especially the recent one on forgiveness. I believe we are in such a critical time in church history. I appreciate your dedication and passion for sharing the Word of God.
    May I request prayer for my 84 year old mother (Laverne Lara)? She is in need of salvation.
    Thank you and God bless you,

  22. I worry that I did not find God in time. I am not where I hope to be with God and Jesus Christ... Is it too late as the time is near? I will continue to try to find my way to God, but do any of you have any input for me..? It hasn't been very long since I have turned to God. I have always prayed but I feel my eyes were only opened not long ago..

    I thank God and Jesus Christ and all of you. God bless.

  23. I worry that I did not find God in time. I am not where I hope to be with God and Jesus Christ... Is it too late as the time is near? I will continue to try to find my way to God, but do any of you have any input for me..? It hasn't been very long since I have turned to God. I have always prayed but I feel my eyes were only opened not long ago..

    I thank God and Jesus Christ and all of you. God bless.

  24. Hi,ms.Lomax!I have been reading your posts for awhile now, and I wrote to you about what God was working in my life. I had hoped for a reply, but as busy as you are, I understand my not getting one.
    I had two children run away, I was kicked out of two churches, had my reputation ruined by one of the pastors of said churches by talking out of school. That was in 2010. Forgiveness has come, and reconciliation has come with one of my runaways, my oldest son.I am happy that God had also just brought reconciliation with an old friend. When I was called by God to come back to Mussouri, my then pastor gave me a word from the Lord, say ing that I was going into the desert, the same desert that Jesus Himself went through, only spiritually speaking. After 10 years, I am ready to leave the desert.I am done with the hurt and pain that I held in my heart, the unforgiveness. In asking the Lord to help me forgive, He has done miraculous things.I am now asking God to root out any vestiges of pride that I have left.I hope that you will pray for me. I Have been walking the narrow road now for 10 years, and the Lord is really working me over. As you prepare for another great all prophecy radio broadcast, I pray that God will have a word for me.
    Thank you for your time.

  25. Hi Glynda,
    I have a question about my neighbor who seems to be following Lightworkers and checking it out it seems like a new age cult. Do you know anything about this group? She lives next door to me in my apt. bldg.

  26. Glynda, thought you'd be interested to know, I found a video today (Sept. 18, 2018) that talks about snakes falling out of the sky from hurricane Florence! And this, right after you posted your latest video listing what God uses to Judge! Check this out! He titled it: HURRICANE SERPENTS Dropping FROM SKY!!!ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! Here's the link:

  27. Please I am a servant of God and unknowingly married to a full blown jezebel and she is warring against me, lies, manipulations, physical attacks, telling lies, secrets of marriage on what's app, manipulating my children etc PLEASE HELP ME URGENTLY ILIVE IN GERMANY 004915777542777 is my tel Nr please help what to do next. Thanks so much

  28. Please I am a servant of God and unknowingly married to a full blown jezebel and she is warring against me, lies, manipulations, physical attacks, telling lies, secrets of marriage on what's app, manipulating my children etc PLEASE HELP ME URGENTLY ILIVE IN GERMANY 004915777542777 is my tel Nr please help what to do next. Thanks so much

  29. Glynda,

    This is the first time I have listened to your words from the Lord. I awoke around 3 a.m. last night from a dream about what I thought to be a warning of impending earthquake. I could hear the rumbling and feel the shaking in my dream. Before I return to my sleep I prayed to the Lord to give me His wisdom on how to confirm what I experienced. Today, I was listening to an on-line radio interview with Steve Quayle and he mentioned your name and prophecies. Thus, I looked you up on-line and found your most current word from the Lord that was posted on October 25th. I'm not totally sure whether or not it will be an earthquake; however when I woke up that was the first thing I thought. Only the Lord knows.
    I've been feeling for the last several years that the days are getting darker at an accelerated rate and many Christians including myself have been under attack. I can literally feel at times the enemy's presence. I have learned to plead the Blood of Jesus on myself and my family, including lately on my sleep and dreams. That is why I knew this dream was from the Lord.
    Praise God for Christians like you who share the Lord's Word with His people. Blessings to you and your ministry. Love in Christ Jesus

  30. Saludos y bendiciones, desde que supe de estos mensajes los leo y comparto, creo que son verdaderos, cree usted que los eventos están por llegar ? Así los entiendo yo, de antemano gracias por su atención, que Dios la siga colmando de bendiciones.

  31. No sé si recibieron mi comentario anterior de hace una hora aproximadamente, les preguntaba sobre si creen que los eventos se puedan dar muy pronto, pues en mensajes a otros profetas así se ha entendido, a la profeta Marga de España se le dijo a finales de 2015 que el anticristo se iba a manifestar en la solemnidad de Cristo Rey, que para este 2018 cae en 25 de noviembre. Pero no creo que valla a ser en este mes, a lo mejor en el próximo año. Bendiciones los seguiré leyendo.

  32. Hay algún problema para que acepten mis comentarios ? Ya he mandado tres y no recibo respuesta, bendiciones para la profeta y colaboradores.

  33. Saludos, siempre he leído estos mensajes, pero no he podido entrar en el espacio de comentaristas, está vez lo intento de nuevo esperando éxito, en lo que concierne en este mensaje de hoy 12 de noviembre donde dicen que estemos atentos al emerger del líder mundial que creo se habla del anticristo, puede ser este próximo 25 de noviembre en la festividad de Cristo Rey, así se lo dice nuestro Señor Jesucristo a una profeta de España, le dice la fecha de la festividad pero no el año, pero puede ser en trece días. Para esto tienen que precipitarse los acontecimientos previos a ese evento. Bendiciones para usted y sus colaboradores.

  34. I have not recieved any emails from you since Pearl Harbor Day. Am I not subscribed anymore?

  35. I really love your messages and the wonderful prayers, I will be praying them during my prayer time. Thank you Jesus,for our sisters who are sold out to Your work to bless us to get closer to You Jesus. Amen.

  36. Glynda, I tried signing up for Prayer support. Not sure if it went
    through on your end. It finished up taking me to Gynda Lomax Properties Box. Don't want to start another one from the beginning for the sign up. Please email me and let me
    know what to do next. TY, Linda Smith

  37. Hello Glynda,my name is Socoro Espinoza and I heard a podcast that God needed some warriors to entercede for the President and our country and my husband and I would love to be part of the team can you please send us the prayers that you want us to intercede for. Thank you .

  38. Hello Glynda, recently I signed up with your prayer group of warriors but I haven't heard anything more about group assignments. Can you provide any additional info? Thanks. Sis Kathy

  39. Sis. Lomax:
    I have not gotten any emails since the "hindrances" one. I have checked all of my spam, clutter and junk files, but there is nothing there. I hope that I did not become unsubscribed somehow. I have been ministered to mightily by your messages.

  40. Hi, Sis. Lomax!
    Today is 9JUL2019, and the last email I received from you was Hindrances. I have checked my spam, clutter and junk folders, but no luck. I tried to re-subscribe, so I guess I will see what happens. Is there something going on with the emails, maybe?

  41. Hi, Sis. Lomax!
    Today is 9JUL2019, and the last email I received from you was Hindrances. I have checked my spam, clutter and junk folders, but no luck. I tried to re-subscribe, so I guess I will see what happens. Is there something going on with the emails, maybe?

  42. Hi Glenda I watch all your wilderness companion's and your all prophetic shows I am in wilderness season and need prayer desperately bad finances have been so tough

  43. I HAD the same revelation last month iam in Namibia in Africa and the Lord gave me this exact revelation. He is coming soon. everything that you mentioned there is the same message i received from God.

  44. My question is about the deadly winter is this supposed to affect everywhere? I'm in Canada and unfortunately I live in the city and we don't have access to fireplaces as we all live in buildings. And we cannot put no gas fireplaces or anything else in our units is there anything else that possibly be done to prepare?

  45. Glynda, thank you for your letter and more. In regards to the bad winter. I mentioned you in an article on my website. To refresh. It's been a few months. Sorry just getting around to this. I did not think you would see the reply necessarily so I did not do so. I know you are busy. Mike from:

  46. Hi Glynda, This is David James, I have some interesting information about South America. Four pastors flew here from Bogota to see me last week. 334-524-8566

  47. Hi Glynda, I have some interesting information about South America. Four pastors from Bogota came to see me last week. call me if you are interested. David 334-524-8566

  48. I came here because I am alone and have no one to pray with and no Christian's in my life and find this very hard. I am asking for prayer that the Lord strengthen me in Him and show me what His will is for me. Thank you and God bless. (I tried putting this in prayer request but it doesn't work)

  49. Please subscribe me to your blog. Thank you!

  50. sister I emailed u asking for spiritual counselling as I am really in need of spiritual encouragement ..I did not get any reply from i

  51. . You can delete it if you want. Just thought it might be important,, if it will change our DNA

  52. I have been following your messages, however you have now lost me. The Catholic Church clearly teaches there is NO RAPTURE!!! This concept is totally a recent Protestant theology that is entirely false. Assuming you are receiving any valid messages from Heaven, this particular message is from Satan disguised as an angel of light. You need to recant this message immediately!!!

    1. I'm not Catholic. i don't teach one way or the other on the Rapture.

  53. Hi Glenda, it looks like your prophecy about winter is coming to pass. Could you repost it? I'd like to share it with others. Thanks.

    1. The blog won't let me repost that, but it's on YouTube, Judy!

  54. Add me to your program's

  55. Здравствуйте, Глинда! Каждый день читаем внимательно Ваши сообщения.. Но со вчерашнего дня Ваш сайт не дает возможности перевода через гуглпереводчик и копирования для перевода на другой язык с помощью правой кнопки мышки.. Что случилось, Вы не знаете?
    С уважением, Ольга. :)

  56. Glenda: The best & most powerful translator is DeepL, while Google Translator is the worst. DeepL has both free & paid-for versions. I worked all over the world for 34 years and picked up 5 languages. In translating English to Italian, the results were like a flawless Diamond. With other languages, it can get close. Use the DeepL Translators, take my word for it. Aldo

  57. Hi Glenda the 25th open doors is that a repost from the 21st? Same message different titles.


  59. Hi Glynda. I was wondering if you could get from Jesus what my place is in the Spirit. Kind of a private revelation for me. I want to do whatever Jesus wants me to no matter what. If you could ask Jesus for a word for me through you. I follow your messages everyday. Sometimes I feel as if He is speaking to me through you. I know this is not typical, but I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you God bless.

    Rita Mariano

  60. Hello my email is it’s not the one you have on file. Please respond to this email. Thank you

    Rita Mariano
