The enemy seeks to turn
your focus backward , so you will not be properly prepared for what lies ahead.
(I saw in the spirit
that by backward, He meant towards things, people, or activities in our past.)
Focus on each new day as it
arrives. Do not wish for the things or people from your past. Know that I have
provided all you need for now, and keep your focus on the joy of your
salvation, of your walk with Me. And I will lead you on.
Now, more than ever, My children
need to walk closely with Me. The end of this age approaches and only I can protect
you, for only I know what is coming. I am the Lord.
Luke 9:62: And Jesus said unto him, “No man,
having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of
Psalm 35:9: And my soul shall be joyful in the
Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.