Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Leaders Among You

In a time coming, there will be great destruction in many lands. The leaders, too, shall be destroyed. 

In that time, I will raise up leaders among you who hear My voice and share My heart for you.

When this time comes, look for those I have chosen, for they shall lead you according to My will. I shall direct them to safe places, to provision for you. You shall see My mighty power working through them.

I am always with you, My children.

Matthew 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Titus 1:7-14
7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Mark 10:42-45
42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.
43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.
45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

1 Timothy 3:2  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

Proverbs 16:9  A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.


  1. Where are these safe places? How is the body of Christ going to here them? How will we know if they are leaders that God has selected for us in this end time?

  2. Pat,

    What He is saying is that He will reveal the safe places to those who CAN hear Him. He said you will recognize who those people are by His power working through those people. Don't worry - He will be SURE His people know!

  3. I'm only going to say thank you father to this post , I've been getting accusation from other christisns telling me I'm decieved and I'm not hearing from God , that I need to discern my thoughts better , that the enemy is tricking me , I need this post today , thank you God , I started to doubt a bit , I know know from this post that the enemy is using THEM to try to distract me , and pull me off course , this post has finally confirmed that I'm EXACTLY WHERE GOD NEEDS ME TO BE , and it's them that need to discern their thoughts , thank you specifically God for this post !

  4. I forgive them and love them , forgot to add that , and there not just words , I mean it , but goes to show how sly the enemy is , I'm not going to say any more than that , but this post has finally grounded me that despite my mistakes I'm back on course , that I have not lost my calling , thank you so much God and glynda , today's post has finally set it in stone ! I can't believe how AMAZING GODS FAITHFULNESS IS considering my unfaithfulness ! God you are TRULY TRULY TRULY AMAZING , if the lost could just see your majesty , not just on the cross , but ALL THE TIME , YOUR JUST SO SO AMAZING , SO FAITHFULL ! I love you dearly

  5. So there will be safe places in America? According to some "prophetic" individuals (Rebecca Sterling), it is being said that there will be NO safe places in America and that the entire nation will be 100% destroyed. Your only chance of surviving is leaving the country. That didn't seem right to me.

  6. Ivy 3084: God saved three men who were thrown into the fire in the Book of Daniel. He can make a safe place even in the middle of burning flame. If He saves a remnant, He has a reason. it is not always for us to know, or understand. Safe places keep you alive only until it it time for you to go. Maybe Christians are kept alive for a time, to witness to the lost.

  7. In the midst of judgements in Egypt, God protected his people in Goshen. They did not partake of the judgements. At the last and final judgement He honed it down even more. Only those Jews in Goshen who obeyed God with the offering of the Lamb and it's blood applied to the door post; then the death angel would pass over that home. We must make sure The Blood of The Lamb (JESUS) is applied to our lives. "They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death." Rev.12:11
    God will be the provision for His own. We will be living by Psalm 91. He loves His bride and will care for all of us." God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind"

  8. The Lord God is in control of everything, every second of every day. He is well able to protect His people anywhere. I believe there is enough evidence from His messengers that He does indeed have refuges throughout the world to gather His people to. He will get you there if He wants you there. Do Not Fear!
    He can also protect you in the midst of a catastrophe. If He decides He wants to bring you home with Him...heaven is not a bad place to be! :)

  9. Amen , theese calamities are coming to all countries , not just America , god has our backs , he knows who are really his , he will keep us in the chaos , and if we do perish , then he took care of that 2000 years ago , we are in a win win situation, with what is fast approaching , it really is a time now to really fix our eyes on heaven and not worry about earthly things , what ever happens , and things are soon going to get very bad , we are heading to heaven for eternity , we have to pass from this world in order to do that unless the king comes back first , and that's not going to happen before the last of the end time prophesies play out , so we really must keep our eyes and hearts on the eternal not the temporal! I know that's what I'm focusing on , Jesus never had a permanent home , he never knew where his next meal was coming from , he relied on the father totally , and that is what we should be training ourselves to do , if we are worrying about what is coming now , how much worse will it be when it arrives , I'm personally expecting to lose everything , eventually my life , but because of Jesus , I've ALREADY GAINED EVERYTHING , either way , I can't lose as long as my eyes are fixed on the king and heavenly things

  10. "He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose"
    Jim Elliot
    Misionary\ martyr

  11. Amen, brother Mark Pierce. Everything is about Jesus. Without him in our life, we are doomed. But thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus and our Father also. God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:9). He promised us, "He'll never leave us or forsake us even unto the end of this age.He will protect His own bride. He is faithful that has promised. Yes, whatever happens, we have the confidence that His way is always perfect. All the Lord's promise prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock! For He always does just what He says, and He is the One who invited us into this wonderful friendship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. May the God of our salvation be exalted!Great is the Lord. He is worthy of all glory and honor, power and strength, majesty and dominion and authority forever and ever, amen. Halleluyah!!!

  12. Amen sister , amen amen !
