Friday, May 20, 2016


Recently on our podcast, I shared the story of how the Lord so graciously delivered Jerry and I from a terrible debt we were laboring so heavily under. Jerry and I are very thankful people anyway, but right after the Lord did this, I wanted to do something more to show Him my gratitude. Right now, I am the one at home who must make sure the ends meet every month, as Jerry is still in prison in Ohio, so it meant a tremendous burden had been removed from my daily load.

I had not stopped praising God since He did this for us. I know one of the meanings of worship is giving, so I decided to give the Lord a gratitude offering, and since my burden was so much lighter every single month because of His great mercy, I decided to increase our tithes by an amount equal to a tithe on the monthly payment we were paying on the debt, plus add a gratitude offering on top of that, and I immediately increased it and began giving it with great joy.

We have so very much to be thankful to Him for - eternal life, to start with, our next breath, the next breath of those we love so much, our safety in a fallen world, the authority of His Name....the list is endless!

So many people who believe spend their lives complaining and moping about - how much more blessed might their lives be if they offered gratitude and praise to Him instead? Our praise and gratitude must be more than our complaining to receive from Him, I hear Him saying.

He is so worthy of our praise. I lost count long ago of the many situations in my life before Him where something tragic could have happened, but He did not allow it. I will never have enough time on earth or in heaven to thank Him for so much mercy!

Psalm136:1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.M