Tuesday, September 24, 2024

According to Your Faith - REPOST

May 27, 2020


According to Your Faith

I was walking my dogs – the Lord speaks to me often on those walks because my mind is very quiet, I am usually in prayer, and I’m very calm, so its easier to hear Him. So I was walking along asking Him what the radio show was for this week as the one I thought I was going to do didn’t work out. I didn’t have enough revelation on what I had wanted to teach about. (the Mark) And He began to speak this word to me about restoration:

   My children, I have not forgotten those things the enemy has taken from you. Would a mighty King just stand and watch as his children are robbed? Nay, I have a plan to repay every evildoer who does not repent, and to restore to you better than you had before!

   Ask Me now for those things you desire and believe Me to do them. According to your faith, it shall it be done unto you.

Joel 2:25

•         25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.



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