Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 What is going on ???

In an area I just visited. all the birds suddenly left. One day there was a ton and the next day .... silence.

I won't say where I am, but I'm in the deep south.  It 's still hot where I am traveling, the birds don't usually leave this early as far as migration. (crows & blue jays primarily)

I'm hearing stories from others about very unusual things going on  ... 

Is anyone else seeing strange things happening in your area?  

Please share what's happening in your area in the comments. 

From a good friend of mine in Pa:  

1. Hi I'm from Pennsylvania.

I recently became aware that the birds are gone from my area. I have noticed them missing for a couple weeks now. I noticed  it in  surrounding areas of about 15 miles.

Another strange thing is that the supermarket I go to has available  a breakfast daily. On 2 separate occasions they ran out of bacon. This is a supermarket! ODD.

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