Thursday, August 29, 2024

You Can Help

Please remember if you have Christian books and especially bibles you do not need that Love Packages needs those to send to other nations where people have no bibles at all.  

We don't know how lucky we are here in America, yall.  Just read this excerpt from a recent article about Love Packages printed in BGEA's Decision magazine:

The need is so great. I was in a Bible school in the Philippines once where 90 students were preparing for the ministry, and only 10 of them had a Bible. At a different Bible college, their library for 125 students was one shelf, about two feet long. In so many places, Bible colleges have no books, and pastors have no Bibles. We can never, ever, get enough Bibles.

Once, in India, I was supposed to meet one of my distributors, a pastor, but he was a day late showing up. When he arrived, he explained that 10 men had crossed the border from Myanmar and asked him for Christian literature. He offered them the two boxes he had left from his previous shipment. They sat down and began to cry. 

“Don’t you understand?” they said. “We’ve come so far. We don’t have any Bibles in our country. Please help us.”

He got a couple of friends to run and ask all the church members to come to the church with their Bibles. He told me, “I stood in front of my congregation and said, ‘These men have walked for 15 days. They begged me for Bibles. I want you to give me your Bibles tonight. I promise I’ll give you a better Bible than you’ve got. It might take me months to get it, but I promise I’ll give you one.’” 

That night, the whole congregation gave their Bibles away so that those men could take the Word of God to people who didn’t have it. And that’s why we do what we do. ©2024 BGEA

Steven J. Schmidt is founder of Love Packages, which circulates Christian literature by collecting new, used and outdated material from across the United States and shipping it to developing nations. For more information, go to LovePackages org.

You can Donate to Love Packages here:

(You can read the rest of the article here: )

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